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“关照”的汉语意思 “关照”在汉语中有两个意思,一是表示“关心”、“照顾”,译成英语通常可以是look after或keep an eye on;二是表示“口头通知”,译成英语通常可以是notify by word of mouth。 “关照”的英语翻译 1. 答谢所受到的关照to acknowledge a favor 2. 对年长亲戚的关照care for an elderly relative 3. 对每一个学生给予个别的关照give individual attention to each student 4. 无论何时假如你需要钱,请于三星期前来信关照。Whenever you need money, send me words three weeks ahead. 5. 有人关照我,要我小心别伤害他。I was told to beware lest I (should) injure him. 6. 你不必担心钱花光了怎么办——我会随时关照你的需要。You needn't worry about running out of money. I'll always see you right. 7. 医生是关照人们健康的人。A doctor is a person who looks after people's health. 8. 我的兄弟一定会关照你的。我今天先给他打个电话,然后他就会等你去。My brother will have to take care of you. I'll call him today and he'll be expecting you. 9. 你必须多多关照那个新来的人,直到他学会日常工作为止。You have to stand over the new comer until he learns the routine. 10. 请替我关照一下这里的东西,我很快就回来。Please keep an eye on the things here for me. I’ll be back in no time.
