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2023-12-07 17:10:49 13

nod: 点头
He nodded to me as he quickly came over. 他边朝我点头,边快步走了过来。

shake one’s head: 摇头
He shook his head, saying nothing. 他摇了摇头没说话。

tilt one’s head back, forward, to the side: 把头向后仰;把头向前/侧倾(斜)
Don’t tilt your head back when you get a nose-bleed. 流鼻血时不要把头向后仰。

turn one’s head around: 扭头
Everyone stupidly turned their heads around and stared at us. 每个人都傻乎乎地扭头盯着我们瞧。

pull a face: 做个鬼脸
That kid is pulling a face at me. 那个孩子正在向我做个鬼脸。

scratch one’s chin, head: 抓下巴、头
He scratched his head in embarrassment. 他有些不好意思地抓了下头。

comb, brush one’s hair: 梳头
I comb my hair every morning. 我每天早上梳头。

play with one’s hair: 玩弄头发
She sat by herself in the corner, playing with her hair. 她独自坐在墙角不停玩弄头发。

twitch (convulsion; tic): 抽搐
His face twitched a couple of times. 他脸上的肌肉抽出了几下。

puff one’s cheeks out: 鼓起腮帮子
She puffs out her cheeks when she takes a selfie. 她自拍时鼓起腮帮子。

sneeze: 打喷嚏
He couldn’t stop sneezing. 他不停打喷嚏。

wipe one’s nose: 擦鼻子
He asked his mum if he could borrow a tissue to wipe his nose. 他问他妈借了一张纸巾擦鼻子。

blow one’s nose: 擤鼻子;擤鼻涕
She urged her son not to blow his nose too hard. 她叮嘱她儿子擤鼻子的时候不能太用力。

pick one’s nose: 挖鼻子
The boy loves to pick his nose and eat it. 这个小男孩爱挖鼻子,然后吃挖出来的鼻屎。

twitch one’s nose: 抽鼻子;擦鼻根
He kept twitching his nose to stop the snot coming out. 他不断抽鼻子不让鼻涕流出来。

flare one’s nostrils: 张大鼻孔
His nostrils flared up as he took in a big breath of fresh air. 他张大鼻孔用力呼吸新鲜空气。。

tug one’s earlobe: 拉(拽、拖)耳垂
His earlobes are thick and long, when he tugs them he looks just like Maitreya Buddha. 他的耳垂又厚又长,一拉耳垂就像弥勒佛一样。

wiggle one’s ears: 动耳朵
Can you wiggle your ears? 你能动耳朵吗?
