
: 英语巴士网英语基础英语学习方法英语基础内容详情



A:Could you tell me something about taking a taxi? 能跟我讲讲打的的事儿吗?

B:No problem.What do you want to know? 没问题。你想知道什么?

A:Everything about taxi. 和出租车有关的一切。

B:Ok.First,you have to hail a taxi. 好吧。首先你得先叫车。

A:What is hail a taxi? 是hail a taxi什么意思?

B:It means you wave your arm to stop a taxi. 就是你挥舞手臂拦出租。

A:I see.Then? 然后呢?

B:Then you get in the car and the driver will ask you "where to?" Tell them your destination. 然后你就上车。司机这时会问你去哪。告诉他们你的目的地。

A:What if I wanna buy some smokes on the way? 要是我半路上想买烟怎么办?

B:Just tell the driver to pull over.Tell them you wanna buy something and keep the meter running. 告诉司机靠边停车,你想买点东西。打着计价器。

A:Ok. 明白了。

B:If you want the driver to go faster.Just say "Step on it". 如果你想让司机开快点儿。就说Step on it

A:What does that mean? 那是什么意思?

B:Step on it means step on the gas. 就是踩油门。

A:Got it. 这样啊

B:And if you know a shortcut, just tell the driver. Sentences like "Make a left/right turn .Go straight" are helpful. 如果你知道近路的话就告诉司机。象Make a left/right turn .或Go straight这种句子会有帮助。

A:So what should I say when I get there? 那我到了后该怎么说呢?

B:Just say "Drop me off here" or  "Let me out here"  就说把我放在这儿就好了

A:Do I have to tip them? 用给他们小费吗?

B:Yes. 用

A:How much is the tip? 给多少?

B:Usually 10 percent. 通常是车费的百分之十。
