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2023-12-07 09:16:32 13
应用会话部分:三、智慧的表达:7. You (2)10) Isn't your wife's name Ethel?    尊夫人的名字是不是叫艾雪儿?11) Do your children go to school yet?    府上的孩子们已经上学了吗?12) You had better not bother him right now.    你现在最好不要去打扰他。    *You had better...是亲密的人之间使用的惯用语。13) Which American singer do you like to listen to?    你喜欢哪个美国歌星的歌曲?14) You look very tried tonight.    今晚你看起来很疲倦。15) Have you been busy with schoolwork?    学校的功课很忙吗?16) Didn't I see you in the play The Master Builder?    你没有出演《彪拉老师》的舞台剧吗?(为什么我没有看到你呢?)17) You had better leave right now.    现在你最好立刻回去.18) May I ask you some personal questions?    我可以问你一些私人问题吗? 
