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Sad 无聊


Jo: This is Real English from BBC Learning English – the programme where we look at words and phrases that you might not find in your English textbooks. I'm Jo.

Helen: And I'm Helen. 地道英语中介绍的一些英语表达, 你可能在英语课堂上学不到,但是它们在生活中却会经常出现。那 Jo, 今天的新表达是什么呢?

Jo: That word is sad. S.A.D.

Helen: Yes sad, 这个词大家应该不陌生,就是悲伤,伤感的意思。 不过它还有另一个含义,我们在生活中也经常碰到。

Jo: The word sad might be used to mean something isn't very fashionable or interesting.

Helen: Sad 也可以做为一个通俗表达,用来形容那些无聊或者是没意思的事情。你也可以用来形容自己或者是别人。

Jo: So, for example, I am a big fan, Helen, of a 1980s American TV show called Dallas. I thought it was a really entertaining show and I have started to buy the DVDs of every series to watch.

Helen: 你喜欢看 80 年代的肥皂剧,你还买了所有的碟片,hmm 我觉没这个必要吧。 So I could say you are sad.

Jo: Yes I'm afraid that part of me is quite sad. Now there must be something about you that's quite sad Helen.

Helen: 我对收集地图很感兴趣。 I love looking at maps – I could look at them for hours!

Jo: Now that is quite sad.

Helen: 不过大家留意 sad 在这种情况下几乎是带有开玩笑的语调。一般你不会当面严肃的告诉别人他很 sad, 他很无聊。


A: What are you looking at on the computer there?

B: Oh no, you've caught me. I am looking at telescopes.

A: Telescopes?

B: Yes, I wanted to buy a telescope. I really like looking at the stars at night – really sad, I know.

Helen: 我们刚才听到的对话里,有人为了满足自己对天文学的爱好,在网上查天文望远镜的资料。这不是一个很热门的爱好,所以他开玩笑形容自己比较无聊,是个呆子, sad.

Jo: And that's all from our BBC Learning English Real English programme for today. You can see more Real English programmes on our website: www.bbcchina.com.cn. Bye for now.

Helen: 再见!
