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2023-12-07 09:14:42 9

“sheep”在英语里指“绵羊”,“a grass-eating farm animal that is kept for its wool and its meat”;英文的sheep具有汉语“羊”的“善”与“羞”,

“goat”是指“山羊”,“an animal a little like a sheep that can climb steep hills and rocks”。goat富含贬义:act the goat(行为愚蠢)、old goat(老色鬼)。


Separate the sheep from the goats 区分绵羊和山羊→辨别好人坏人(Divide things in two groups, those things that have value and those things that are less valuable / worthless)

I had rather be a tick in a sheep than such a valiant ignorance. 我宁愿做羊身上的虱子,不愿做这种没有头脑的勇士。

Return to one's sheep/muttons回到本题

A lost sheep 迷途的羔羊

One might as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb. 偷一只大羊和偷一只小羊都会被吊死——不做二不休

Set the wolf to keep the sheep 请狼来看羊,引狼入室

A wolf in sheep's clothing 披着羊皮的狼

A scapegoat 替罪羊

to be as mild as a lamb 温顺如羔羊;

play the goat 举止轻浮;

follow like sheep 盲从;

sheep without a shepherd 乌合之众;

make sheep's eyes at somebody 愚笨地向某人献殷勤;

a sheep in a tiger's skin 羊质虎皮(outwardly strong);

cast sheep's eyes at sb. 对某人抛媚眼;

stand out like a camel in a flock of sheep 鹤立鸡群。
