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burn a hole in your pocket 一有钱就想花

2023-12-07 09:11:39 14

可以想象如果我们的衣服口袋里有一件东西发烫像要烧起来似的,那我们的第一反应肯定是要马上把它掏出来扔掉。表达“money burns a hole in someone's pocket 钱在某人的口袋里烧了一个洞”的意思是钱在某个人的口袋里留不住,此人一有钱就想花,存不了钱。它也可被用来形容一个人有了钱就想去花掉,不花掉心里不舒服。这个表达常出现在描述过度浪费或奢侈表现的语境中。


I'm afraid money burns a hole in my pocket. As soon as I get paid I'm off down to the shops.

If money is burning a hole in your pocket, you could think about spending it on something useful, like some new clothes, maybe, rather than more computer games.

I've got a new credit card and it's burning a hole in pocket. Let's shop!


Pocket 是口袋、腰包的意思,它也可以被做为动词使用,意思是某人把什么东西放进自己的口袋或腰包里,多数情况下用来形容不诚实的表现。


Did you see that? He overcharged them for their meal and pocketed the difference.

If a shopkeeper gave you too much change, would you pocket it or hand it back?
