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armed to the teeth 全副武装

2023-12-07 09:11:38 19

表达 “armed to the teeth 连牙齿都戴上盔甲了”的实际意思是为了做某件事情做好了充分、全面的准备,也就是我们中文里说的“全副武装”。


The bank robbers were armed to the teeth with guns, knives and grenades.

Before assembling the flatpack furniture, he armed himself to the teeth with hammers and screwdrivers.

She was armed to the teeth for her exam: five pens, ten pencils, two rulers, a rubber and a lucky mascot.


Long in the tooth“牙齿长”的实际含义是说某人年迈,年老,一把岁数了。有时候这个表达也可用来表示某人因为年龄大,所以过时了,落伍了。这个说法不是很礼貌,所以在使用时要格外注意,避免产生误会。


She's a bit long in the tooth to be wearing a crop top, don't you think?

Don't think that just because I am a bit long in the tooth, I don't use social media.
