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to have deep pockets 资金雄厚


衣服的口袋 pocket 可以装钱包和现金等财物。我们用 to have deep pockets “深口袋”来形容个人或组织机构享有雄厚的财力资源,就好比装满钱的口袋一样,资金充裕。


My company had a good year. They've got deep pockets so we always have a great New Year party.

It's alright. Choose what you want off the menu. My dad's paying, and he's got deep pockets.

You'll need deep pockets if you want to buy a controlling stake in the company.


另一个表达 out of pocket 的意思是入不敷出,即没有足够的钱来垫付迄今花费的状况。


I'll pay for all our tickets today but I don't want to be out of pocket so can you pay me back by the end of the week?

The pay for the job didn't cover all my food, travel and accommodation expenses so I ended up out of pocket.
