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in the same boat 同舟共济

2023-12-07 09:11:19 7

当大家都坐在同一条船上的时候 in the same boat, 这就意味着所有人都处于同样的不乐观的境况。


Youth unemployment is so high in Europe at the moment but everyone's in the same boat – no-one can find a job.

The whole class came down with chicken pox on a school trip. It completely ruined the holiday but at least all the children were in the same boat.

There were hundreds of us waiting to get a visa from the embassy. Knowing everyone was in the same boat was made the long wait easier.


另一个短语to miss the boat 有着不同的含义,它的意思是坐失良机,机会已经失去了。

I wanted tickets to see Adele but by the time I went online they were already sold out. I missed the boat.
