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Don't be a chicken! 不要胆怯

2023-12-07 09:11:17 12

在英语里人们往往用 chicken 这个词来表示一个胆小鬼。那么 Don't be a chicken 意思就是‘别害怕,别胆怯'。


You're such a chicken, you won't even give skiing a try!

He called me a chicken just because I didn't want to swim in the ice cold water!

Don't be such a chicken, just ask her out!


To play chicken - 意思是较量看看到底谁胜谁负 chicken out 意思是服输退出的意思。

The company chairman is playing chicken with the shareholders. He knows that the share price will go down if they sack him so he's betting they will back down.
