stay-at-home mom 全职妈妈
Stay-at-home mom:大家应该很好猜出来是什么意思吧?呆在家里不外出工作,全身心在家带宝宝的妈妈,也就是“全职妈妈”。 Being a stay-at-home mom is as much hard work as going to an office everyday. 全职妈妈和每天出去工作一样辛苦。 John: So we've been talking about women's roles in society. And are you a stay-at-home mom or a working mom? 约翰:我们来谈谈女性在社会中的角色。你是全职妈妈还是职场妈妈? Sarah: Well, I guess I'm both. Right now, I'm on maternity leave and I'm on six months of maternity leave. 萨拉:嗯,我想我两者都是。目前我在休产假,我正在休为期6个月的产假。 John: What does that mean? 约翰:这是什么意思? Sarah: So maternity leave is when you have a job but then you become pregnant or you're going to have a baby, maybe adopt, too. So you're going to have a baby, and so you take time off of work to stay home with the new baby. 萨拉:产假是指你有工作,不过因为你怀孕了或者即将生产,或是领养,在你要生产的时候,你可以休假,留在家里照顾孩子。 |