**这个时候就不要说"How are you?"或者"How are you doing?"了。问候多年不见的老同学适合用下面这句: 9. How have you been? 你一切都还好吧? **再进一步聊聊: 10. What have you been up to? 最近在忙什么? **问问工作上的事儿: 11. What are you doing these days? 你现在做什么工作? 12. Are you still at IBM? 你还在IBM上班吗? **问候同学的家人: 13. How are your folks? Are they doing OK? 你家里人怎么样?都还好吧? 14. How old is Nathan now? Ten? Eleven? 你家楠楠现在多大了?10岁?11? |