1. I've got my facts wrong! 状况1:叙述事实出错 救场金句: Sorry, what I meant is this ………. 抱歉,我想表达的意思是······ 2. Too fast! Go back. 状况2:进度太快,需要回到之前的话题 救场金句: So, let's just recap on that. 那么,我们再概括一下刚刚所讲的内容。 3. I've forgotten to say something! 状况3:讲漏了一部分内容 救场金句: Sorry, I should just mention one thing. 不好意思,我刚刚还应该提到一点。 4. Too complicated! Make it simple. 状况4:讲得太复杂,需要说得简单易懂 救场金句: So, basically what I'm saying is this …… 所以我刚刚讲的内容基本上说的是······ 5. I'm talking nonsense! 状况5:讲得毫无道理可言 救场金句: Sorry, perhaps I didn't make myself clear. 不好意思,我刚刚可能没有说明白。 6. How do you say this in English? 状况6:忘了如何用英文表达想说的内容 救场金句: Sorry, what's the word/expression I'm looking for? (the audience is always willing to help) 对不起,我要用的那个词/短语是什么来着?(通常听众都会很热心地帮忙) 7. Wrong! Try again. 状况7:讲错了,再来一次 救场金句: Let me rephrase that. 我换种说法吧。 8. I'm running out of time! 状况8:时间要不够了 救场金句: So, just to give you the main points here. 那么,我就只讲一下要点。 |