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牛津实用英语语法 154 needn't,could和should+完成式

2023-12-07 09:08:34 2
A needn't+完成式常常和could+完成式结合使用。这种用法最好通过例句来说明:—I wanted a copy of the letter,so I typed it twice.—You needn't have typed it twice.You could have used a carbon.—我需要那封信的副本,所以我打了两遍字。—你没必要打两遍。你当时本可以用复写纸打。—I walked up six flights of stairs.—You needn't have walked up;you could have taken the lift.—我爬了六层楼梯。—你没必要走着上去;你本来可以乘电梯的。—She stood in a queue to get an Underground ticket.—But she needn't have stood in a queue.She could have got a ticket from the machine.—她排队买一张地铁车票。—可她本来不需要排队。她本可以在售票机那儿买票。B needn’t have和 should have的比较should或ought to在以上A的例句中都可以代替need或could:She shouldn't have stood in a queue.She should have got tickets from the machine.她本来就不该去排队。她应当在售票机那儿买票。但这里存在着含义上的差别:She shouldn't have stood in a queue.她本来就不该去排队。(她排队是错误的或愚蠢的。)She needn't have stood in a queue.她本不必去排队。(这样做是不必要的,但她却排了队。)shouldn't have(done)有批评之意。needn't have(done)不含有批评之意。
