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牛津实用英语语法 161 dare

2023-12-07 09:08:33 13
A 在肯定式中,dare的变化与普通动词相同,即现在式为dare/dares,过去式为dared;但否定式和疑问式既可以像普通动词那样变化,也可以像助动词那样变化。换句话说,dare是半情态动词。否定式:现在do/does not                        dare dare/dares not 过去did not dare                                         dared not 疑问式:现在do you/does he dare?         dare you/he?过去 did you/did he dare?                       dared you/he?通常更多使用它作为普通动词的结构。B 接在dare后的不定式do/did的否定式或疑问式理论上后面应当接带to的不定式,但实际上to常被省略:He doesn't dare(to)say anything.他什么也不敢说。Did he dare(to)criticize my arrangements?他敢批评我的安排吗?dare I/he/you?等以及dare not这些形式后都接不带to的不定式:Dare we interrupt?我们敢插嘴吗?They dared not move.他们不敢动。当dare的主语是nobody,anybody等词时,to可用可不用:Nobody dared(to)speak.没人敢说话。C dare除了在I daresay这一说法外,不大用于肯定式。I dare- say(或I dare say)有两个惯用含义:1 I suppose(我想):I daresay there'll be a restaurant car on the train.我想这火车上会有餐车。2 I accept what you say(but it doesn't make any difference)(我同意你说的,但这无关紧要):English tourist:But I drive on the left in England!英国旅游者:可在英国我开车时是靠左走!Swiss policeman:I daresay you do,but we drive on the right here.瑞士警察:我相信你所说的,但是在这里我们必须靠右走。Traveller:But the watch was given to me;I didn't buy it.旅客:可这表是人家送我的,并不是我自己买的。Customs officer:I daresay you didn't, but you'll have to pay duty on it all the same.海关官员:我可以承认你不是买的,但你照样得交关税。daresay的这种用法只用于第一人称单数。D how dare(d)you?how dare(d)he/they?可以表示说话人的愤怒:How dare you open my letters?你怎么竟敢拆我的信件?(我因你拆我的信而生你的气。)How dared he complain?他怎么还敢抱怨?(我因他埋怨而生气。)E dare也可作普通及物动词,意指“挑战、激将”(仅针对需要勇气的行为而言),后接宾语+带to的不定式:Mother:Why did you throw that stone through the window?母亲:你为什么往窗户里扔石头?Son:Another boy dared me(to throw it).儿子:有个小男孩激将我,说我不敢扔。
