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2023-12-07 09:06:53 19


The little boy ,Johnnie,had been up with a packet of m ints,and he said he wouldn't go out to play until the post had come.
The little boy,Johnnie,------ had been up ------ with a packet of mints,--------and he said he wouldn't go out to play-------- until the post had come.

1.运用定义 有时作者知道某个单词许多读者来说不熟悉或很陌生,为了使读者更易理解词义,可能会在句子中归纳一个定义,这种暗示易辨认。例如:
a. All other birthdays are called single ( born day )。The sixty-first birthday is
called hang up ( beginning of new life 新生活的开始 ).
b. The harbor is protected by a jetty ----- a wall built out into the water.
c. Jane is indecisive, that is ,she can't make up her mind.
    在这些例子中作者运用括号,破折号或 that is 短语赋予这些生词一个定义,使句子易于理解。
2. 运用再陈述 在阅读时读者常常会碰到一种陈述会给出尽可能多的定义。例如:
a. He had a wan look. He was so pale and weak that we thought he was ill.
( 句中出现 pale 苍白,weak 虚弱,ill 病等词语,由此可知,wan 是指病态,非健康的脸色 )
b. I am a resolute man.。.Once I set up a goal, I won't give it up easily.
( 我一旦树立一个目标,就不会轻易放弃,由此推断出 resolute 是倔强,固执之意 )
3. 运用一般常识 通常如果运用自己的体验或一般常识,你也会很容易猜出许多词义。例如:
a. The door was so low that I hit my head on the lintel.( 门框 )
b. Mark got on the motorbike, I sat behind him on the pillion ( 后座 ) ,and we
roared off into the night.
4. 运用有关信息 如果你把与文章内容相关的信息集中起来,你就可以猜出一些词或短语的含义。此时要注意生词和短语在文章中的重复。一般来说,使用次数越多,越易于理解。以下面几句为例 。
remedial class 重复了三次。
a. we are happy to announce that we started a remedial reading class for college freshmen
and strongly advise that your daughter Laura participate in it.If she doesn't ,it is
our opinion that Laura will not be able to keep up with her studies…
b. The English Department has informed you that your daughter Laura cannot write .They
have suggested that she enroll in the remedial writing class.
c. We have found no one in the freshman class can add ,mutiply,suptract,or divide simple
sums… Therefore we are setting up a special remedidal arithmetic course…
    如果你认真阅读和注意词语的重复方式,你就可以猜出 a remedial class 是为在学习上需要特别的学生开设的提高班
5. 运用例子 所举的例子也可为你提供一些线索和暗示生词的含义。例如:
a. Select any of these periodicals :Time magazine,The New Yorkers,Reader's Digest or News-week.
 ( 这些例子说明 periodicals 是指杂志,期刊 )
b..She is studying glaucoma and other diseases of the eye.( 此句虽没准确说出 glaucoma 是什么意思,但他却告诉你 glaucoma 是一种眼病 )
6. 运用比较 当我们比较事物时,我们看清它们彼此很相像。因此比较在阅读中也能提供一些关于生词的含义的线索。
a. The snow was falling .Big flarks drifted with the wind like feathers. ( 羽毛 )
b. The hot air balloon took off .It was a buoyant ( 漂浮 ) in the air as a bork ( 软木塞 ) in water.
7. 运用对比 对比能给你提供关于生词词义的暗示。有时一个句子能够告诉你生词的否定意义和反义词。例如:

a. Jane was talking with others while Eliza remained reticent all the time.( talking 说话 与
reticent 沉默 进行对比 )
b. Most of us agreed ( 同意 ),however, Bill dissented. ( agreed 同意 与 dissented 不同意 进行对比 )
c. Peter was not frugal since he spent money so freely. ( frugal 俭省,节约 与 freely 大方,随意进行对比 ) 

