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词语大辨析精讲 九

2023-12-07 09:05:53 18
alarm 惊恐,忧虑,指突然遇到危险产生的紧张,害怕,惊慌失措的心理状态,也可指一般的担心忧虑 (take/feel alarm at…因…而惊恐)
dread 担忧,惧怕,多指因预料有危险和不愉快的事面临而产生的不安心情,比fear更为强烈的恐惧
fear 表示恐惧最普通的用语,指遇到危险或灾难内心感到不安或发慌
fright 指突然的惊恐
horror 令人毛骨悚然,使人极其厌恶的恐怖(常用于强调表现出恐怖的现象或行为,而不强调引起恐怖的原因)
panic 恐慌(指吃惊以后随之而来的不知所措,神经几乎失控的状态)
terror 恐怖(指个人安全受到严重威胁时所产生的巨大恐惧及惊骇)

1.There is nothing to get ___ about.
A.alarmed B.feared C.horrified D.terrified
2.She had always been in ___of meeting with an accident.
A.horror B.alarm C.terror D.dread
3.Our cat ___ dogs.
A.alarms B.fears C.panics D.dreads
4.I don't ___ easily.
A.fear B.dread C.frighten D.alarm
5.They watch with ___ as the tightrope walker struggled to remain his balance.
A.panic B.alarm C.horror D.terror
6.All the residents of the town ___ when there was a big fire in the supermarket.
A.paniced B.panicked C.surprised D.shocked
7.She was ___ out of her senses.
A.alarmed B.feared C.hottified D.terrified

1.There is nothing to get alarmed about.没什么可大惊小怪的.
2.She had always been in dread of meeting with an accident.他总是担心遇上意外事故.
3.Our cat fears dogs.我们家的猫怕狗.
4.I don't frighten easily.我不会轻易受惊的.
5.They watch with horror as the tightrope walker struggled to remain his balance.他们心惊肉跳得看着走钢丝绳的演员摇摇晃晃地在恢复平衡.
6.All the residents of the town panicked when there was a big fire in the supermarket.超市的一场大火震惊了全镇居民.(panic的过去式为panicked)
7.She was terrified out of her senses.她吓得魂不附体.
