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词语大辨析精讲 十四

2024-02-17 03:32:36 19
ample, adequate, plentiful,sufficient都含有一定的"足够,丰富"之意
ample 指不仅能达到应有的程度,满足需要,而且还有余,一般不修饰数量不定的名词(ample time充裕的时间;an ample basket of fruit满满一篮水果;ample space宽敞的空间)
adequate 足够的,充分的,指数量和质量上复合一个特定的标准或不太高的要求
plentiful 丰富的,很多的,富裕的
sufficient 尤指程度上多到能满足或达到某种特殊需要,特别是精神上的需要

1.There is ___ evidence to suggest that the lawyer in question knew exactly what she was doing.
A.sufficient B.plentiful C.adequate D.ample
2.By law,when one makes a large purchase,he should have ___ opportunity to change his mind.
A.accurate B.urgent C.adequate D.excessive
3.The supply is not ___ to the demand.
A.sufficient B.plentiful C.adequate D.ample
4.He has acquired ___ proficiency to read Chinese literary works.
A.sufficient B.plentiful C.adequate D.ample
5.A ___ harvest is in sight.
A.sufficient B.plentiful C.adequate D.ample

1.There is ample evidence to suggest that the lawyer in question knew exactly what she was doing.有充分证据表明那个正在提问的律师确实知道她在做什么.(ample evidence充分证据)
2.By law,when one makes a large purchase,he should have adequate opportunity to change his mind.根据法律,当一个人进行大宗购买时,他应该有充分的机会改变自己的注意.
3.The supply is not adequate to the demand.供不应求.
4.He has acquired sufficient proficiency to read Chinese literary works.他已获得足够能力阅读中国文学著作.
5.A plentiful harvest is in sight.丰收在望.(plentiful/good harvest丰收)
