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2023-12-07 09:05:40 12
161. The answer is zero.                                白忙了。162. You’ll burn yourself if you touch that.        如果你碰它,你就会被烫着。163. Please keep off the grass.                         请勿中践踏草地!164. He can hardly speak.                            他几乎说不出话来。165. You’d better stop hitting him, or else!.  你最好别再打他,不然的话,你等着瞧吧!情景对话:A: Have you finished the paper Dr. King assigned last week?  (你完成了金教授上星期布置给我们写的论文了吗?B: Not yet.   (还没有。)A: Tomorrow will be deadline. You’d better hand it in on time, or you’ll be punished. You know, Dr. King is so strict.   (明天是最终期限。你最好按时交,不然你就会受到惩罚的。要知道,金教授是很严格的。)B: Thank you for your warning. I’ll hand in the paper punctually tomorrow.  (谢谢你的提醒。明天我会准时交论文的。) 166. He won an election.                                他在选举中获胜。167. Be sure not to go swimming in this river。  务必不要到这条河里去游泳。168. If only I could fly.                                   要是我能飞就好了。169. Ill be right there.                                     我马上就到。170. Mind you do not put your head outside the window。        小心不要把头伸到窗外去。情景对话:A: Make sure you get the book in Beijing for me. It’s important. (你一定要在北就给我弄到那本书,很重要。)B: No problem. You can count on me.        (没问题,请相信我好了。)A: But last time you forgot it.            (但是上次你就忘了。)B: That was an exception, I can assure you.(那次是个例外,我向你保证)A: If you fail to bring the book back, I’ll never talk to you again.   (你要是给我再带不回那本书的话,我就再也不理你了。)B: I won’t fail you this time, I promise(我这次不会让你失望的,我保证)
