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2023-12-07 09:04:00 5
  downplay (v.) 故意贬低;轻视 例句:He's always downplaying his achievements--he's a truly modest man. 他总是贬低自己的成就——他真是个谦虚的人。cry in one's beer借酒消愁(诙谐语)例句:Well, if you won't come with me tonight I'll just have to stay home and cry in my beer.唉,如果你今晚不肯来陪我,我就只好呆在家里借洒消愁了。It proves you can overcome almost anything with the strength of your mind.   世上无难事,只怕有心人。许多名人在出名以前都有他辛酸的故事。但经过不懈的努力终能成就一翻大业,完成自己的梦想。所以当你功成名就的时候,你就可以说上一句: It proves you can overcome almost anything with the strength of your mind.
