106. fill in(英) /out(美) 填充,填写 107. find fault (with) 埋怨,挑剔;吹毛求疵,批评 108. find out [1]发现;想出;解决; [2]识破(违法);暴露。 find与find out (1) find是一种客观结果,find out实指主观有意识的动作; (2) look for“寻找”具体事物,find out(找出,查明)的通常是抽象的事因、复杂的真相等。 109. flare up [1]突然燃起来; [2]突然发怒。 fire /flame /flare /blaze up 皆为“发火” 110. gain /have an advantage over 胜过,优于 111. get across 使人了解,使人清楚 EG: The idea got across to all. put across 解释清楚 112. get along /on with [1]进展(get on); EG: How is your work getting along? [2]过活,生活(get by); EG: How are you getting along? [3]相处融洽。 113. get round /around [1]走动,旅行; [2](消息)传开。 114. get around /round to 找时间做,开始考虑 115. get at [1]得到,接近(reach); EG: I can’t get at the tool on the shelf. [2]意思是(mean)。 EG: What are you getting at ? 你的意思是什么? 116. get away [1]离开; EG: I’m too busy to get away. [2]逃脱(break away 强行逃脱)。 EG: One of the mice got away. 117. get better of 胜过,占上风 118. get by (get along) [1]通过,经过(get along); EG: The parade has got by. [2]过活。 EG: She can’t get by on such a small income. 119. get down [1]从…下来; EG: He got down from his horse. [2]写下(write down, put down)。 EG: Get what he says down in writing. 120. get down to 开始,着手(set about, take up) EG: Get down to work. |