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increase: To make or become larger in amount or number.
it refers to quantity or intensity as well as size.
The population of this county has increased.
add: To put together with something else so as to increase the
number size, importance.
He added some wood to increase the fire.
(扩大) enlarge: To grown larger or wider.
I want to enlarge this photograph/house.
(放大) magnify: To make something appear larger than in reality, esp. by means of a lens.
You have magnified the peril.
(扩充) amplify: To make large or fuller, esp. give fuller information, more details etc.
to amplify a radio signal/sound.
augment: (fml) To become larger or greater.
It emphasizes the action of addition.
He augmented his income by writing some short stories.
(扩展 扩张) expand: To increase in range scope or volume as well as in size. Iron expands when it is heated.
(加长) extend: To make longer in space or time, to extend a railway.
Can"t you extend your visit for a few days.

smile: The corners of your mouth move outwards and slightly upwards.
He smiles his consent./with satisfaction.
(大笑) laugh: To make a noise to show one"s amusement and
happiness. You can laugh at a joke or at an amusing sight. You can laugh at someone without being amused.
They all laughed loudly.
(露齿而笑) grin: To smile with the teeth.
The boy grinned from ear to ear when I gave him a
(暗笑 含笑) chuckle: To laugh quietly.
I could hear him chuckling to himself as he read
that funny article.
(咯咯笑) giggle: To laugh repeatedly foolishly and uncontrollably, esp. by girls.
I heard them giggle when I passed by the girls.
(窃笑 暗笑) snicker: To laugh in a disrespectful more or less secret way.
On hearing his absurd opinion, I went snickering.
(假笑 痴笑) simper: To smile in a silly unnatural way.
When I told him the thing, he simply simpered.
(得意的笑) smirk: To smile in a false or too satisfied way.
He smirked at everyone that passed.
(窃笑) titter: To laugh very quietly from nervousness or badly
controlled amusement.
The girls tittered when they heard this.
(狂笑) guffaw: To laugh loudly and rudely.
All the people guffawed at his silly words.
(哄笑) roar: To laugh long and loudly.
They roared after they heard the joke.
(欢笑) chortle: To give a laugh of pleasure or satisfaction.
He chortled with delight when I told him the news.
(笑骂) taunt: To try to make sb angry, or upset by making unkind
remarks, laughing at faults or failures.
They taunted her with her inability to swim.
(嘲笑 嘲弄) ridicule: To laugh unkindly at or to make unkind fun of.
They all ridiculed the idea.
(讥笑) deride: To laugh at or make fun of as of no value. /to mock
at someone with contempt They all derided his foolishness.
(嘲弄) mock: To laugh at sb(sth) when it is wrong to do so, esp.
by copying in a funny or contemptuous way.
The students mocked the seriousness of his expression.
twit: (infl) To make fun of sb because of behavior, a mistake, a fault, etc.
He twitted her with her timidity.
(嘲笑 轻蔑地笑) scoff: To laugh at, to speak or act disrespectfully. /To
speak in scornful mocking way.
It was a great invention but at first many people scoffed at it.
chaff: (infl) To make fun of sb in a good-humored way.
He chaffed the man about his mistakes in speaking English.
(讥笑) jeer: To laugh rudely at /to insult sb in a loud, unpleasant way.
They always jeer at the priests.
gibe(jibe): To laugh at with the intention of hurting the feeling with sarcastic remarks.
Don"t gibe at her behavior until you know the reason for it.
(讥笑 冷笑) sneer: To express proud dislike by a kind of usu, one- side
smile or to show scorn or contempt by looks.
She sneered at the furniture in his neighbor"s home.
joke: To make fun of.
You mustn"t joke with him about religion.
(取笑) jest: To act or speak playful, not seriously.
Don"t jest about serious things.
(戏弄) banter: To speak, or act playfully or jokingly.
We bantered him on the subject of marriage.
(轻视) scorn: To look down upon.

mad: Showing that one has amanita illness which often causes them to behave in strange way.
crazy: (infl) Very strange or foolish.
psychotic: The most precise one. used by psychiatrists.
insane Not sound in mind. Used in scientific articles.
lunatic: (old derog) wildly foolish.
demented It indicates sb"s mentality has degenerated from a precious level.
maniac: (n) A mad person who is violent and dangerous.

smell: The most general one.
It refers to something pleasant or unpleasant.
odo(u)r: (fml) More used in scientific articles.
fragrance: A sweet or pleasant smell.
It refers to flowers and stresses a delicate smell from plants.
Those roses have a delightful fragrance.
scent: A smell esp. left by an animals, an pleasant smell.
Our dog lost the fox"s scent.
perfume: A sweet or pleasant smell.
It refers to either natural smell or a man-made smell and stresses a strong and rich smell compared with fragrance
aroma: A strong usu pleasant smell, often a spicy smell.
flavor: The particular quality of tasting good or pleasantly strong. The bread hasn"t much flavor.
savor: The smell of food by the processes of cooking.
The meat had cooked too long and lost its savor.
stink: A strong unpleasant smell. the stink of sweaty feet.
stench: A very strong unpleasant smell.

fear: The feeling that one has when danger is near.
(可怕) dread: A great fear esp. of some harm to come.
It suggests fear of facing whatever is coming. Usually dread also means loss of courage.
Illness is the great dread of his life.
(畏惧) fright: The feeling or experience of fear. sudden great fear.
I nearly died of fright at the sight of escaped lion.
(恐慌) alarm: Sudden fear and anxiety as caused by the possibility of
danger and excitement caused by fear of danger.
The news caused great alarm.
(恐惧) terror: Extreme and intense fear.
The people ran from the enemy in terror.
(恐怖 战栗) horror: A feeling of great shock, fear and dislike.
I cried out in horror as I saw the man killed.
(惊恐万状) panic: Sudden uncontrollable quickly-spreading fear or terror, which results in unreasonable and frantic activity.
When I realized the situation I got into a panic.
(敬畏) awe: A feeling respect mixed with fear and wonder.
He always stands in awe of his father.
