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在陈述句里加入一些委婉、模糊的词汇来弱化语气,让我们提出的想法和意见听起来更礼貌。比如 “reckon”、“feel”、“believe” 这类表达 “觉得,认为...” 的词语和 “sort of(大概,差不多)”、“kind of(似乎,有点)”、“a little(一点)” 这类短语。 

I reckon you need to re-write the essay.

I feel that presentation could have been better.

It was sort of OK, but maybe you need to re-write the essay.

That presentation was kind of good, but it could have been better.

I believe this report would be better if you spend a little more time on it.


Do you think you need to re-write the essay?

Do you feel the presentation could have been better?

指出他人错误时,可以加入 “seem to”、“appear to” 这类表达 “看起来,似乎” 的搭配,以柔化语气。

You appear to have written about the wrong subject.

You seem to have misunderstood the topic of the presentation.
