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2023-12-07 09:01:55 18
1.A.June 2nd. B.July 20th. C.July 22nd. D.June 22nd.
2.A.Hot. B.Short. C.Lost. D.A lot.
3.A.I should wait. B.My face is wet. C.I like black.D.I like white.
4.A.Do the cleaning. B.Go shopping.
C.Do the reading. D.Do some washing.
5.A.Claire doesn’t like my parents.
B.Claire doesn’t like the country.
C.Claire is back home now.
D.Claire is living in another country.
1.I was born on June 22nd, 1985.Tomorrow is my birthday.
2.Where shall we go? I think we’re lost.
3.I don’t quite like black.My favourite colour is white.
4.I have to do some washing today.There are so many dirty clothes.
5.My sister Claire is living with my grandma in the country.She came
back yesterday to see my parents.
Key:1—5 DCDDC
5.A.How do you do? B.Nice to meet you, too. C.How are you?
6.A.I’m from Japan. B.I’m reading in the room. C.I’m at school.
7.A.That’s right. B.Thank you. C.I’m very glad.
8.A.Yes, I’d love to. B.Sorry, I can?’t. C.I want some apples.
9.A.It’s about 8:00. B.It?s a nice day. C.It’s windy.
5.Nice to meet you.
6.Where are you from?
7.Happy birthday.
8.Can I help you?
9.What time is it now?
Key:5—9 BABCA
II.对话理解 听对话和对话后的问题,然后选择答案。(吉林)
1.A.Lucy. B.Bill. C.Betty. D.Lucy and Betty.
2.A.He’s driving the car. B.He’s going to the park.
C.He’s having lunch. D.He’s cleaning the car.
3.A.In her pencil?box. B.In her desk.
C.On her desk. D.On her pencil?box.
4.A.Next Saturday. B.This Sunday.
C.Next Sunday. D.This Saturday.
5.A.On foot. B.By bike. C.By bus. D.By car.
*II.对话理解 听对话和对话后的问题,然后选择答案。
1.M:Hi, Lucy.Are you busy tomorrow night?
W:No, Bill.But Betty is.
Q:Who is busy tomorrow night?
2.M:Jane, where’s your father?
W:He’s over there.He’s cleaning the car.
Q:What’s Jane’s father doing?
3.M:Where are Linda’s pencils? I can’t find them.
W:Oh, really? I think they?re in her pencil?box.
Q:Where are Linda’s pencils?
4.M:Hello, Kate.I hope you can come to my new house next Sunday.
W:Thanks a lot.
Q:When will Kate come to the man’s house?
5.M:Mrs Read,I see you?re on foot today.Do you usually go to school
by bike?
W:Yes, I do.
Q:How does Mrs Read usually come to school?
Key:1—5 CDACB
I.情景反应 从每小题A、B、C、D 4个选项中,选出能正确应答你所听到的句子的那一个。共5个句子,每个句子读两遍。(湖北黄冈)
1.A.Nothing much. B.That?s right. C.Not at all. D.No problem.
2.A.He’s fine, thanks. B.He’s cooking.
C.He’s a driver. D.He likes reading.
3.A.Yes, I think so. B.Very interesting.
C.I’m not sure. D.I’m afraid not.
4.A.It doesn’t matter. B.Yes, please.
C.No, thanks. D.With pleasure.
5.A.Best wishes to you! B.Congratulations!
C.That’s a good idea! D.Welcome!
*I.情景反应 从每小题A、B、C、D 4个选项中,选出能正确应答你所听到的句子的那一个。共5个句子,每个句子读两遍。
1.Thank you very much for your help.
2.What does your father do?
3.What do you think of the TV play?
4.Would you take this box along to the office for me?
5.I’m sure our team is going to win the match.
Key:1—5 CCBDA
IV.听力理解 读两遍。(共10小题,10分)(湖北宜昌)
A)单句理解 选择正确答语或者是与你所听句子意思相近的选项。
21.A.She is twelve.B.He is twelve. C.She is a nurse. D.He is a boy.
22.A.My ruler is as long as Li Lei’s. B.Li Lei’s ruler is not long.
C.My ruler is long. D.Li Lei’s ruler is longer than mine.
23.A.They read most of the book. B.They must read the book.
C.They have read the book. D.They mustn’t read the book.
24.A.Fine, thank you. B.He’s sixty?five.
C.He is at home. D.Yes, what can I do for you?
25.A.It’s warm today. B.It’s July 1st.
C.It’s Tuesday. D.It’s my birthday.
B)对话理解 根据你听到的对话选择能回答所提问题的答案。
26.A.Sixteen. B.Fourteen. C.Thirteen. D.Fifteen.
27.A.He’s a soldier. B.He’s a doctor.
C.He’s a teacher. D.He’s a farmer.
28.A.Sorry, I don’t know. B.I think they are.
C.Yes, they are. D.No, they aren’t.
29.A.Lin Feng. B.Lin Tao. C.Kate. D.Ann.
30.A.In a shop. B.In the open air.
C.On the way home. D.On the farm.
*IV.听力理解 读两遍。(共10小题,10分)
A)单句理解 选择正确答语或者是与你所听句子意思相近的选项。
21.How old is Linda?
22.My ruler isn’t so long as Li Lei’s.
23.Lily and Lucy have to read the book.
24.How are you?
25.What is the date today?
B)对话理解 根据你听到的对话选择能回答所提问题的答案。
26.A:Jack, how old is your sister?
B:She is three years older than I.I’m 13.
Q:How old is Jack?s sister?
27.A:Does your father work in this school, Jim?
B:Yes, he does.
Q:What’s Jim’s father?
28.A:What class are you in, boys?
B:I’m in Class 2, and he’s in Class 1.
Q:Are the boys in the same class?
29.A:Are you on duty today?
B:No, I’m not.Lin Tao is on duty today.
Q:Who is on duty today?
30.A:Can I help you?
B:Yes, please.I want a pen.
Q:Where are they talking?
Key:21—25 ADBAB 26—30 ACDBA
V.这一大题共有一小段短文和5个小题,该段短文将念2遍,你可以一边听一边将要点记录下来,听完后,你将接着听到几个有关该段落的问题。这些问题念2遍,听完每个问题后,你将看到4个供你选择的回答。请在每小题A、B、C、D 4个选项中选出1个正确的答案。(安徽)
26.A.At the bus stop. B.In front of the shop.
C.Outside the cinema. D.By the school gate.
27.A.One and a half hours. B.About an hour.
C.A whole day. D.A whole morning.
28.A.Something was wrong with the door of his car.
B.He lost the key to the car.
C.It was not his own car.
D.He had too many things in his hand.
29.A.Green. B.White. C.Red. D.Black.
30.A.Mrs Brown. B.Mr Brown.
C.The policeman. D.The owner of the car.
*V.这一大题共有一小段短文和5个小题,该段短文将念2遍,你可以一边听一边将要点记录下来,听完后,你将接着听到几个有关该段落的问题。这些问题念2遍,听完每个问题后,你将看到4个供你选择的回答。请在每小题A、B、C、D 4个选项中选出1个正确的答案。
One day Mr Brown and his wife went shopping at the shop.They took the car as they had a lot of things to buy because his brother and his family were going to spend the weekend with them.They stopped the car in front of the shop.An hour later they came back to the car with a lot of things.Then the trouble started.They couldn’t open the door of the car.
“Oh, dear,” said Mrs Brown.“What are we going to do?”
“Let’s ask the policeman,” Mr Brown said.
The policeman was very kind and glad to help them.A few minutes later he got the door open.Just at that moment an angry man came up to the black car and looked at the number of the car and shouted.“What are you doing with my car?” The Browns looked at the number of the car, and their faces turned very red.
26.Where did Mr Brown stop the car?
27.How long did it take the Browns to do their shopping in the shop?
28.Why couldn’t Mr Brown open the car door?
29.What colour is Mr Brown’s car?
30.Who opened the door at last?
Key:26—30 BBCDC
Weather: A.sunny B.cloudy C.rainy D.windy
Temperature: A.18~28℃ B.21~31℃ C.5~13℃ D.5~10℃
Number City Weather Temperature
17 London
18 Paris
19 Washingto
20 New York
And now here’s the weather report for some big cities in the world. In London it will be cloudy with the temperature 5 to 13.In Paris you’ll have heavy rain during the day?time.The lowest temperature will be 5 and the highest 10.Washington will have a nice day.The weather will be sunny and the temperature will be 18 to 28.If you live in New York, you’ll have beautiful sunshine.It’ll be sunny with a low 21 and a high 31.
Key:17.BC 18.CD 19.AA 20.AB
16.A.July 1. B.July 4. C.July 14.
17.A.One. B.Three. C.Six.
18.A.On the playground. B.At the picnic table. C.In the middle of the road.
19.Because she .
A.had no money B.couldn’t walk C.was an old friend of David’s
20.A.Busy. B.Kind. C.Bad.
Mrs Brown will never forget the day, the 14th of July, when she and her family were at a picnic and Sam, her three?year?old son, ran across the busy road nearby.Halfway across, the little boy suddenly fell to the ground when a truck was coming towards him very fast.Just then, a large strong man called David rushed into the road and held up his hand to the truck driver to stop.The truck came to a stop just before them, and David carried the boy off the road.The boy was saved.
This was not the first time for David.Once he learned that a poor woman couldn’t buy enough food for her children.He got baskets of food ready and the next day the woman surprised to find her car filled with a lot of food.It is nothing new to his family and the people in the town.David is always ready a helping hand to others.He often says to people, “Everyone is happy when you do good for others.”
16.Which day will Mrs Brown never forget?
17.How old was the little boy?
18.Where did Sam fall?
19.Why did David help the woman?
20.Is David busy, bad or kind?
Key:16—20 CBCAB
III.图句理解 听句子,判断所给图片是否与所听到的句子意思相符。相符的写(T),不相符的写(F)。(共5分,每小题1分)(吉林)
1. 2. 3.
4. 5.
*III.图句理解 听句子,判断所给图片是否与所听到的句子意思相符。相符的写(T),不相符的写(F)。(共5分,每小题1分)
1.My grandma is watching TV.
2.The boys are planting trees along the school playground.
3.The children are flying a kite happily.
4.One boy and two girls are drawing pictures.
5.The two people are having supper.
Key:1—5 FTTFF

11. M:Do you have a watch, Jane?
W:Oh, yes.My watch says it’s 3:20.
Q:What is the time now?
12. W:It’s Jim’s birthday this Friday.What shall we get him?
M:Mmm, it’s difficult.A football? A pencil?box? But he’s already got several of those…
W:We could get him something to wear.No, let’s get him a book on sports—he like that very much.
M:Oh, why not?
Q:What Jim get for his birthday?
13. M:Are we going to see grandpa, Mum? What does he look like?
W:Well, Tom.Your grandpa is a kind old man, with white hair.
He is sixty but he wears no glasses.He will be very happy to see you.
Q:What does Tom’s grandpa look like?
14. M:What fruit shall we get for the picnic, Lily?
W:Can we just get some oranges and bananas?
M:I don’t like oranges.How about some apples instead?
W:They are so expensive at the moment.Let’s get the bananas, then.
Q:What fruit are they going to take for the picnic?
15. W:Good morning, sir.How can I help you?
M:Well, I’d like to buy a car, please.Something fast and nice, and big enough for a family of six people.
Q:Which is the best one for the man?
Key:11—15 ACBBC
