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(1) 基数(Cardinal numerals):one, two, three... 

(A) 除one接单数名词外,其余均接复数名词。
He has one sister and three brothers. 

(B) hundred的后面须加and(但可以省略)。
12,345 = twelve thousand three hundred (and) forty five; 

(2) 序数(Ordinal mumerals):first, second, third... 

(A) 序数前面必须附以定冠词。而a second, a third等,则是another的意思。 

(B) 日期多用序数。
It’s on Friday, the fifth of October (= October the fifth = October 15th). 

(C) 序数的简体。
9th = the ninth; 12th = the twelfth; 16th = the sixteenth; 

(3) 分数: 

(A) 分数的表示法:第一,分子用基数,分母用序数。第二,分子大于2时,分母须加“s”以形成复数。
1/2 = a (one) half; 1/3 = a (one) third; 2/3 = two-thirds; 1/4 = a (one) quarter; 

(B) 分数可接与不可数名词;所接的名词是单数,则与单数动词连用,是复数则与复数动词连用。
A third of the peach was bad.
A third of the bananas were bad. 

(4) 倍数词:常用的有half, double, treble(三倍)等。 

(A) half a, a half, half the +名词,表(一半的)。
He ran a half mile in half an hour.
He ran half a mile in half an hour.
I have read half the book. 

(B) half还可作名词,代名词及副词。
Two halves make a whole. (名词)
This is half as much again as that. (副词) 

(C) 倍数常用的表达法:
(half; double; treble; twice; two times; three times; four times...) +定冠词或所有形容词+名词或所有代名词
I had to pay double (= twice) the usual fare.
That window is three times the size of this. 
