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(1) 称呼语之前不加冠词。 Waiter, bring my bill, please. (2) 家庭称谓如父母兄弟前不加冠词,甚至佣人也都不需加冠词。 Father is out, but Mother is at home. Cook has made mince-pies for Christmas. (3) 三餐名称前不加冠词。 Come to dinner (breakfast, lunch) with me. (4) 运动、游戏、颜色、感官的名词前不加冠词。 He likes basketball. White is a beautiful color. Do you play bridge? Sight is one of the five senses. (5) 表官职、身份或亲属关系的名词当补语或作同位语时不加冠词。 He was elected president. George Ⅵ, King of England. (6) School; church; hospital等字,指原有的用途时不加冠词,若指建筑物本身或场所时,则要加冠词。 School begins at eight. (school作抽象名词用) The school stands on the hill. (school指建筑物) (7) 两个相对的名词并用时不加冠词。 Arm in arm; day by day; man to man; young and old  
