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Wind up:终止、结束


10月21日,第59届联大法律委员会就“禁止克隆人”国际公约议题再次举行辩论,试图为启动有关该公约的谈判扫清障碍。但从两天的辩论情况看,各国对拟议中公约的范围,即如何看待治疗性克隆问题分歧依旧。这一对立局面,再加上美国总统大选等因素,可能使各国期望今年就禁止克隆人国际公约问题达成一致的愿望再度落空。新华社报道如下:The 191 United Nations member states remain deeply divided on whether to ban all forms of human cloning after winding up a two-day debate here on Friday.

Under the debate at the UN General Assembly's legal committee were two rival draft resolutions -- one calling for an international convention to ban all forms of human cloning and theother permitting cloning of human embryos for the purpose of medical research.

词组wind up含义丰富,在此表示“终止、结束”,例如:to wind up a company(结束公司的业务)。此外,wind up还有“使自己处于(某种状态或某个地方);极度兴奋;调紧琴弦;上紧发条”等意思。例如:He wound up drunk.(他不知不觉醉了。)
