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stick - v. to attach something to another thing using a substance that will hold them together; to become fixed in one position so that movement is difficult ("Something is making the door stick."); n. a thin piece of wood still - ad. not moving ("The man was standing still."); until the present or a stated time ("Was he still there?"); even so; although ("The job was difficult, but she still wanted to do it.")

stone - n. a small piece of rock

stop - v. to prevent any more movement or action; to come or bring to an end

store - v. to keep or put away for future use; n. a place where people buy things

storm - n. violent weather, including strong winds and rain or snow

story - n. the telling or writing of an event, either real or imagined

stove - n. a heating device used for cooking

straight - ad. continuing in one direction without turns

strange - ad. unusual; not normal; not known

street - n. a road in a city, town or village

stretch - v. to extend for a distance; to pull on to make longer or wider

strike - v. to hit with force; to stop work as a way to seek better conditions, more pay or to make other demands

strong - ad. having much power; not easily broken, damaged or destroyed

structure - n. the way something is built, made or organized; a system that is formed or organized in a special way; a building

struggle - v. to try with much effort; to fight with; n. a great effort; a fight

study - v. to make an effort to gain knowledge by using the mind; to examine carefully

stupid - ad. not able to learn much; not intelligent

subject - n. the person or thing being discussed, studied or written about

submarine - n. an underwater ship

substance - n. the material of which something is made (a solid, liquid or gas)

substitute - v. to put or use in place of another; n. a person or thing put or used in place of another

subversion - n. an attempt to weaken or destroy a political system or government, usually secretly

succeed - v. to reach a goal or thing desired; to produce a planned result

such - ad. of this or that kind; of the same kind as; similar to

sudden - ad. not expected; without warning; done or carried out quickly or without preparation

suffer - v. to feel pain in the body or mind; to receive or experience hurt or sadness

sugar - n. a sweet substance made from liquids taken from plants

suggest - v. to offer or propose something to think about or consider

summer - n. the warmest time of the year, between spring and autumn

sun - n. the huge star in the sky that provides heat and light to earth

supervise - v. to direct and observe the work of others

supply - v. to give; to provide; n. the amount of something that can be given or sold to others

support - v. to carry the weight of; to hold up or in position; to agree with others and help them reach a goal; to approve

suppose - v. to believe, think or imagine ("I suppose you are right."); to expect ("It is supposed to rain tonight.")

suppress - v. to put down or to keep down by force; to prevent information from being known

