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螺旋面 helicoid
干涉 interference
修形 correction of the flank shape
修像 tip relief
修根 root relief
齿面修形 axial modification
齿端修薄 end relief
鼓形修整 crowning
挖根 undercut
瞬时轴 instantaneous axis
啮合 engagement mesh
端面啮合线 transverse path of contact
啮合齿 面 surface of action
啮合平面 plane of action
重合度 contact ratio and overlap ratio
总作用弧 total arc of transmission
纵向作用弧 overlap arc
总作用角 total angle of transmission
径向变位系数 overlap arc
圆程齿轮和圆柱齿轮副 ckyclindrical gears and gear pairs
齿条 rack
直齿轮 spur gear
斜齿轮 helical gear
直齿条 spur rack
大字齿轮 double-helical gear
渐开线齿轮 involute cylindrical gear
圆弧圆柱齿轮 circular -arc gear
分度圆柱面 reference cylinder
节圆柱面 pitch cylinder
基圆柱面 base cylinder
齿顶圆柱面 tip cylinder
齿根圆柱面 root cylinder
节点 pitch point
分度圆 pitch line
节圆 pitch circle
基圆 base circle
齿顶圆(顶圆) tip circle
齿根圆(根圆) root circle
法向螺旋线 normal helix
齿距 pitch
齿距角 angular pitch
公法线总长 base tangent length
分度圆直径 reference diameter
齿高 tooth depth
齿宽 face width
齿顶高 dedendum
齿根高 dedendum
弦齿高 chordal height
固定弦齿高 constant cord height
齿厚 tooth thickness
惊险电影 thriller movie
电影院常客 cinemogoer
以惊险的谋杀疑案为主线 thriller nuder mystery at its heart
顶隙 bottom clearance
圆周侧隙 circumferential backlash
法向侧隙 normal backlash
径向侧隙 radial backlash
锥齿轮 bevel gear
锥齿轮副 bevel gear pair
准双曲面齿轮副 hypoid gear pair
冠轮 crown gear
端面齿盘 contrate gear
直齿锥齿轮 straight bevel gear
斜齿锥齿轮 helical bevel gear
曲线齿锥齿轮 spiral bevel gear
弧齿锥齿轮 gleason spiral bevel gear
摆线齿锥齿轮 overlikon spiral bevel gear
零度锥齿轮 zerol bevel gear
分度圆锥面 reference cone
分度圆 reference circle
分锥顶点 reference cone apex
外锥距 outer cone distance
分度圆直径 reference diameter
齿高 tooth depth
齿顶高 addendum
齿根高 dedendum
工作高度 working depth
弦齿高 chordal height
齿距 pitch
齿距 pitch
齿厚 tooth thickness
弦齿厚 chordal tooth thickness
齿槽宽 space width
齿宽 face width
安装距 locating distance
轮冠距 tip distance
冠顶距 apex to crown
顶隙 bottom clearance
分度圆锥角 reference cone angle
齿顶角 addendum angle
齿根角 dedendum angle
压力角 pressure angle
齿厚半角 tooth thickness half angle
槽宽半角 apace width half angle
蜗杆 worm
蜗轮 worm wheel
蜗杆副 worm gear pair
环面蜗杆 enveloping worm
圆柱蜗杆副 cylindrical worm gear
渐开线蜗杆 involute helicoid worm(ZI-worm)
曲折的路 winding raod
英磅 english pounds
阿基米得蜗杆 straight sided axial worm ZA-worm
法向直廓蜗杆 straight sided normal worm ZN-worm
圆弧圆柱蜗杆 arc-contact worm
平面蜗轮 wildhaber-wormaheel
锥蜗杆 spiroid
锥蜗轮 spiroid gear
中间平面 mid-plane
分度圆 reference circle
齿顶圆 tip circle
齿根圆 root circle
齿距和升程 pitch and lead
齿高 tooth depth
齿顶高 addendum
齿根高 dedendum
节圆齿顶高 working addendum
节圆齿根高 working dedendum
工作高度 working dedendum
线性参数 linear dimensions
蜗杆齿宽 worm face width
蜗轮齿宽 face width
直径系数 diameter quotient
咽喉半径 gorge radius
顶隙 bottom clearance
圆周侧隙 circumferential backlash
法向侧隙 normal backlash
角参数 angular dimensions
齿宽角 width angle
分度圆导程角 lead-angle
基圆导程角 base lead angle
针轮 cylindrical lantern gear
印刷技术术语 terminologh of printing technology printing
书刊印刷 book and periodical printing
包装印刷 package printing
证券印刷 security printing
印刷适性 printability
压印线 nip
单张印刷 sheet-fed printing
卷筒印刷 web feed printing
单包印刷 single-color printing
无压印刷 non-impact printing
制版 platemaking
打样 proofing
套印不准 out of register
重影 ghosting
背面粘脏 set-off
透印 print through
印版滚筒 plate cylinder
压印滚筒 impression cylinder
橡布滚筒 blanket
水印刷 printing stock
印刷油墨 printing ink
印刷图文载体 printing image carrier
印版 printing plate
复制版 duplicate plate
包衬 cylinder-packing
印后加工 post-press finishing
文字排版 text composition
印刷字体 printing type face
版式 page layout
版面 type area
版心 type page
版O margins
天头 head margin
地脚 foot margin
横排 horiontal setting of types
竖排 vertical setting of types
行空 line space
另页排 set on new leaf
另面排 set on new page
标题级序 title series
串文 illustration and text juxtaposed setting
排版禁则 typesetting taboo
背题 bottom line title
排版毛条 galleys
排版毛坯 type set matter
核对 proofreading
改版 form correcting
活字排版 type composition
活字 printing type
字铅合金 type metal
活字字面 type face
活字基准线 base line
点制 point system
活字高度 type-high
字面率 type face proportion
字号 type size
铅字 space
倍数铅字 multiple quadrat
分数铅字 fractional space
倒空 turned letter
铅条 leads
水线 rule
模切刀 die-cutting rule
花边 bordering ornament
排版量尺 typesetting gauge
字模 type matrix
铸字 type casting
拣字 compose
球震转印机 cronapress conversion system
铸字排版 hot-metal typesetting
铸排机 hot-metal type setting machine
整行铸排 line composing and casting
单字铸排 individual type composing and casting
打字排版 type writer composition
手动照相排版 manual photo type setting
字模版 matrix grid
级数制 type size system for manual photo type setting
揭膜改版法 film stripping correction
变形文字 deformed letters
自动照相排版 automatic photo type setting
