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Top Phrases

1. Red States / Blue States

A dangerously deep split or just the simplest way of cutting an amazingly complex demographic pie.

2. Moral Values

Issues ranging from gay marriage to the morality of the war in Iraq lumped into a phrase.

3. Two Americas

The cultural divide supposedly separating Red States from Blue States.

4. Wardrobe Malfunction

Immediate enters the lexicon courtesy of the Super Bowl XXXVIII halftime show.

5. The inCivil War

The level of incivility exhibited in public discourse (dis-coarse) descends to a level not seen since the Civil War.

6. Flip-flop/flopping

Whether in reality or in myth, the concept greatly damaged the Kerry campaign.

7. Spider-Hole

Looks like this one is going to stick around for a while:

8. Angry Left

Originally, the early followers of Howard Dean.

9. Swift Boats

Actually, US Navy PCFs (Patrol Craft Fast), though little noticed in the din of the campaign.

10. Girlie Men

Courtesy of Ahh-nold, the Governator of Kalh-EE-Fon-I-A.


Top Numbers

1. 3,300,000

Margin of victory by President Bush over Senator Kerry.

2. 1000+

Number of Armed services personnel killed in combat in Iraq.

3. 527

Identifier of public-interest organizations such as MoveOn.org and the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth; a nightmare of unintended consequences for Sen. McCain.

4. 9/11

As in the 9/11 Commission report and film by Michael Moore.

5. 87

Number of years Boston suffered under the ‘Curse of the Bambino’ until winning the Fall Classic.

6. 609,493,825

Worldwide a€?grossa€? in dollars of Mel Gibsona€?s Passion of the Christ.


Top Internet Words Moving into Widespread Use

1. IM

As in Instant Message.

2. Multitask

To perform several tasks at the same time; now a requirement of all non-outsourced jobs.

3. Off line

What happens after you’ve been multi-tasking too long.

Top Sports-related Words

1. Reverse the Curse

The Red Sox finally overcome the Curse of the Bambino after 87 years.

2. BCS

College football's Bowl Championship Series has been called the "Bogus Championship Series" again.

3. 'Roids (Steroids)

Perhaps the President knew something when he mentioned them in last year’s state of the Union.

4. Tour de Lance

Lance Armstrong wins his sixth consecutive Tour.


Top Words in Pop Music

1. iPod

The iPod is becoming to the 2000's what the Walkman was to the 80's and 90's.

2. Emo

Genuine emoting in music; often a catharsis for the artist’s own emotional turmoil.

3. Yeeaaah! / Okaaaay! / What!?

Atlanta native Lil' Jon usurps Flava Flav's position as King of the catch-phrase.

4. Grey Tuesday

DJ Danger Mouse turned heads by combining the vocals from rapper Jay-Z's Black Album, with music constructed with samples of The Beatles' White Album.

5. Coachella

110 degrees were not enough to stop the 60,000 music fans who trekked into the desert this year for the annual concert.


Top Color-related Words

1. Red and Blue as in `Red States' and `Blue states'.

2. Red, White and Blue as in “these united (sic) States of America”.

3. The New Black

Just about any color you can imagine has been thusly dubbed. Even the color black has been called the New Black.

4. Orange

As in Revolution: see the Ukraine.


Most frequently spoken word on the Planet: OK
