
: 英语巴士网英语基础英语词汇英语基础内容详情


EA Effective Address + Extended Attribute [OS/2]
EAR External Access Register
EARN European Academic Research Network
EAROM Electrically Alterable Read Only Memory
EARS Electronic Access to Reference Services +
Electronic Authoring and Routing System [DEC] +
Explicit Archive and Retrieval System [Langley Research]
EATA Enhanced AT Bus Attachment
EAX Environmental Audio Extensions [Creative]
EB Exabyte (1,024 petabytes)
(One Billion Billion characters of information)
EBC EISA Bus Controller
EBCT Electron Beam Computed Tomography
EBCDIC Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code [IBM]
EBI Equivalent Background Input +
Extended Background Investigation
EBNF Extended Backus-Naur Form
EBT Electronic Benefits Transfer
EC Electronic Commerce + Error Control
ECAL Enjoy Computing And Learn
ECAT Electronic Card Assembly and Test [IBM]
ECB Electronic Codebook + Event Control Block
ECC Elliptic Curve Crypto + Error Check Code +
Error Checking and Correction + Error Correction Code
ECD Enhanced Color Display + Enhanced Compact Disk
ECHO European Commission Host Organization [Internet]
ECI External Call Interface
ECL Emitter Coupled Logic
ECM Electronic Control Module
ECMA European Computer Manufacturers Association
ECNE Enterprise Certified NetWare Engineer [Novell]
ECP Enhanced/Extended Capabilities Port [Microsoft]
ECS Enhanced Chip Set
ECTL Electronic Communal Temporal Lobe
ECU EISA Configuration Utility
ED Erase Display
EDA Electronic Design Automation +
Embedded document Architecture [Go Corporation]
EDB Embedded Database
EDC Electronic Digital Computer +
Enhanced Data Correction +
Error Detection and Correction
EDDC Extended Distance Data Cable
EDE Encrypt-Decrypt-Encrypt
EDGAR Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis and Retrieval
EDI Electronic Data Interchange +
Electronic document Interchange [DEC]
EDIF Electronic Design Interchange Format
EDIFACT EDI for Administration Commerce and Transport
EDL Edit Decision List
EDLC Ethernet Data Link Control
EDLIN Editor (Line Text)
EDMS Electronic document Management System
EDO Extended Data Out
EDOS Enhanced DOS for Windows
EDP Electronic Data Processing
EDPM Electronic Data Processing Machine
EDRAM Eraseable/Extended Dynamic Random Access Memory
EDS Electronic Data Systems (corporation)
EDSAC * Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer
.EDU Educational Institutions (Domain Name) [Internet]
EDVAC * Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer
(First stored-program digital computer)
EE Extended Edition [IBM]
EEC Extended Error Correction
EEG Electroencephalogram
EEL Epsilon Extension Language
EEM Extended Memory Management
EEMAC Electrical & Electronic Manufacturers of Canada
EEMS Enhanced Expanded Memory Specification
EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
EES Escrow Encryption Standard
EFA Extended File Attribute
EFF Electronic Frontier Foundation
EFI Electromechanical Frequency Interference +
Electronics For Imaging
EFIGS English, French, Italian, German, Spanish
EFL Emitter Follower Logic
E-FORM Electronic Form
EFS Encrypting File System
EFTS Electronic Funds Transfer System
EGA Enhanced Graphics Adapter
EGP Exterior Gateway Protocol
EGREP Extended Global Regular Expression Print [Unix]
EHLLAPI Emulator High Level Language Application
Programming Interface [IBM]
EIA Electronic Industries Association
EIDE Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics
EIS Executive Information System
EISA Extended Industry Standard Architecture
EJB Enterprise JavaBeans
EL Electroluminescent (display) + Erase Line
ELAN Emulated Local Area Network
ELC Embedded Linking and Control
ELF Executable and Linking Format +
Extremely Low Frequency
ELS Entry Level System
EM Electronic Mail + Emphasized + End of Medium +
Expanded Memory
EMA Electronic Mail Association +
Enterprise Management Architecture
EMACS Editing Macros [Unix]
E-MAIL Electronic Mail
EMB Extended Memory Block [LIM/AST]
EMBARC Electronic Mail Broadcast to a Roaming Computer
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility + Enhanced Memory Chip +
E-Mail Connection + Extended Math Coprocessor
EMCC * Eckert-Mauchly Computer Company (World's first computer
company, founded by Presper Eckart and John Mauchly,
who invented and built the first UNIVAC)
EMI Electromagnetic Interference
.EML Electronic Mail (file name extension)
EMM Expanded Memory Manager
EMR Electro-Magnetic Radiation +
Enhanced Metafile Record
EMS Electronic Mail System + Electronic Message Service +
Expanded Memory Specification [LIM]
EMSAPI Extended Messaging Services Application
Programming Interface
EMWAC European Microsoft Windows NT Academic Centre
.ENC Encoded (file name extension)
ENDEC Encoder/Decoder
ENDS Ends Segment
ENIAC * Electronic Numerical Integrator Analyzer and
Computer (First fully electronic digital computer)
ENQ Enquiry
ENSS Exterior Nodal Switching Subsystem [Internet]
EOA End Of Address
EOB End Of Block
EOC End Of Conversion
EOF End Of File + Enterprise Objects Framework
[Next Computer]
EOI End Of Interrupt + End Or Identify
EOJ End Of Job
EOL End Of Line + End Of List
EOM End Of Message
EOR Exclusive OR (Also XOR)
EOS Earth Observing System [NASA] + End Of String
EOSDIS Earth Observing System Data and Information System [NASA]
EOT End Of Table + End Of Tape (marker) + End Of Text +
End Of Transmission
EP Electrophotographic Engine
EPIC Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing
EPL Effective Privilege Level
EPLD Electrically Programmable Logic Device
EPM Enhanced Editor for Presentation Manager [IBM] +
Enterprise Process Management [IBM]
EPP Enhanced Parallel Port
EPROCESS Executive Process
EPROM Electrically Programmable Read Only Memory +
Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
.EPS Encapsulated Postscript (file name extension)
EPSF Encapsulated Postscript Files
ERA Extended Registry Attributes
ERAS Electronic Routing and Approval System [Hughes Aircraft]
ERD Emergency Repair Disk
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center [Internet]
ERLL Enhanced Run Length Limited
ERMA * Electronic Recording Method, Accounting
[General Electric]
EROM Erasable Read Only Memory
EROS Earth Resources Observation System
[U.S. Geological Survey]
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning
ERR Error
ER/RC Extended Result/Response Code
ERU Emergency Recovery Utility [Microsoft]
ES Extra Segment
ESA Enterprise Systems Architecture [IBM] +
European Space Agency
ESC EISA System Component + Escape
ESCD Extended System Configuration Data
ESCM Extended Services Communications Manager [IBM]
ESCON Enterprise System Connection (Architecture) [IBM]
ESC/P Epson Standard Code for Printers
ESD Electronic Software Distribution +
Electrostatic Discharge
ESDI Enhanced Small/System Device Interface
ESF Extended Superframe
ESI End System Identifier +
Enhanced Serial Interface (specification) [Hayes]
ESMR Enhanced Specialized Mobile Radio
ESN Electronic Security Number
ESP Emulation Sensing Processor +
Encapsulating Security Payload (header) +
Enhanced Serial Port [Hayes] + Enhanced Service Provider +
Estimated Selling Price
ESR Event Service Routine
ESS Electronic Switching System
ESU Electro-Static Unit
ET Enhancement Technology
ETACS Extended Total Access Communication System [IBM]
ETANN Electrically Trainable Analog Neural
Network (chip) [Intel]
ETB End of Transmission Block
ETC Electronic Toll Collection +
Enhanced Throughput Cellular (modem protocol) [AT&T]
ETF Enriched Text Format
ETOM Electron-Trapping Optical Memory
ETPL Endorsed Tempest Products List
ETS Econometric Time Series
ETX End Of Text
EU Execution Unit
EUC End User Computing + Extended Unix Code [IBM]
EUDORA (Named after author of story:
"Why I Live at the P.O.", Ms. Eudora Welty)
EUI End-User Interface
EVE Extensible VAX Editor
EVGA Extended Video Graphics Array +
Extended Video Graphics Adapter
EWAN Emulator Without A Good Name [Internet]
EWS Employee Written Software [IBM]
ExCA Exchangeable Card Architecture [Intel]
.EXE Executable (file name extension)
EXE2BIN Program used to convert an (.EXE) file to binary
format (.COM) file
EXM Enterprise Messaging Exchange [Lotus]
EXP Exponent
EXT External
EXTRN External Reference
E-ZINE Electronic Magazine
