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dirty, filthy, squalid


形容词 “dirty、filthy” 和 “squalid” 的意思都和杂乱、不干净或令人不快的情况有关,但它们并不完全相同。

先来看 “dirty”。作形容词使用时,“dirty” 的意思是 “脏,不干净”,用来谈论人身上或物体上面粘有 “dirt”。这里的 “dirt” 往往是说污垢等物质粘在了身上或物体上,看起来很 “脏”。听两个例句。


My trousers are dirty, and they need a wash.


You look really dirty after playing football – go and have a bath.


除了作形容词使用以外,“dirty” 也可以作动词,意思是 “把某物弄脏”。听两个例句。


If you go for a walk today, you might dirty your shoes.


Don't dirty your new suit by wearing it to the party.


注意,“dirty” 也可以用来比喻 “言行粗鲁、不端” 或 “行为卑鄙、不诚实”。来听两个例句。


The speaker was cut off after he used some dirty words.


The businessman used some dirty tactics to extract money from his clients.


“Dirty” 和 “filthy” 都是 “脏”,但 “filthy” 表达的程度更严重,常用来感叹事物 “肮脏不堪”。它来自名词 “filth”,“filth” 指 “厚厚的污渍、污秽”。补充一点,人们有时也用搭配 “filthy dirty” 来强调事物 “非常肮脏”。听三个例句。


Wash your hands – they're filthy!


I can't wear those trousers – they're filthy.


The house was filthy dirty – and needed a major clean.


形容词 “filthy” 同样可以用来比喻负面的事情 “很糟糕”。比如:“She used some filthy language.(她说了一些污言秽语。)” 或者 “The weather is filthy today.(今天天气糟透了。)”

上面说到,“dirty” 和 “filthy” 都可以用来谈论人和事物的外观或人的言行。形容词 “squalid” 则用来描述 “地方或环境肮脏、破败不堪”,这往往是缺乏资金、维护不善造成的。注意: “squalid” 不能用来形容人的外表看起来很 “脏”。搭配 “live in squalor” 的意思是 “生活环境或条件恶劣,脏乱、邋遢”。


He lives in a squalid bedsit and needs rehoming as soon as possible.


He lives in squalor and needs rehoming as soon as possible.


Their poor health was probably due to the squalid conditions they lived in.


Their poor health was probably due to living in squalor for many months.


虽然 “squalid” 也可以用来形容 “行为丑恶、不诚实,道德败坏”,但在表达这个含义的时候,并不如 “dirty” 和 “filthy” 常用。

总结一下:“dirty” 作动词时表示 “把……弄脏”;形容词 “dirty” 的意思是 “脏”,“filthy” 是 “非常脏”,“squalid” 形容 “环境肮脏不堪”。另外,三个词也都可以形容粗鲁、卑鄙的言行。最后,另外补充四个表示 “脏” 的近义词:“grubby”、“mucky”、“soiled”,还有 “unwashed”。
