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2021年外交部精彩翻译 上


1. 吃着中国的饭,还砸着中国的锅

They should know better than to bite the hand that feeds them.



They should know better than to bite the hand that feeds them. There is no way to get away with this.

Bite the hand that feeds one是一句地道英语习语,指有人为你提供衣食、让你依靠,你却伤害或冒犯对方,可以简单理解为忘恩负义,恩将仇报。

2. 揣着明白装糊涂

play dumb and feign innocence



If the Japanese side can't understand this, the international community will help it to get this point. If it still plays dumb and feigns innocence, the international community will never allow it.

3. 以其人之道,还治其人之身

paying them back in their own coin



In order to resolutely safeguard national sovereignty, dignity and core interests and oppose Western hegemonism and power politics, the Chinese government has launched multiple corresponding countermeasures against entities and individuals of relevant countries since the beginning of 2021. It's paying them back in their own coin.

Paying someone back in their own coin,这句英语习语,指有人很糟糕地对待你,你也以同样方式回敬对方,与中文的“以其人之道,还治其人之身”“以牙还牙”有异曲同工之妙。

4. 世界民众只能表示“呵呵”了

they will only be shrugged off by people around the world



The so-called ranking makes black look white, and white look black, and perhaps it will call the dead alive. They will only be shrugged off by people around the world and offer something for small talk.

Shrug off指“对……不予理睬(If you shrug something off, you ignore it or treat it as if it is not really important or serious. )”,有“不屑一顾”的意思。


5. 无中生有、以己度人

be made up out of thin air; measuring others' corn by one's own bushel



The US allegation that Chinese diplomats at the Consulate-General in Houston have carried out espionage in Australia and other US allies is made up out of thin air. It is like measuring others' corn by one's own bushel.

Measuring others' corn by one's own bushel /ˈbʊʃl/ 字面意思是:用自己的斗去量别人的谷,也就是“以己度人”。
