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2021年外交部精彩翻译 下


6. 真金不怕火炼

True gold doesn't fear the test of fire.



As a Chinese proverb says, "True gold doesn't fear the test of fire." We have to tell those who try every means to drive a wedge between China and Russia that any attempt to undermine China-Russia relations is doomed to fail.

这句习语也可以译作:True gold can stand the test of fire。

另外,“离间”翻译成英语也可以用一个非常形象的表达:drive a wedge between (someone or something) ,形容的是在两个事物中间打入一个楔子,也就是挑拨离间。

7. 不以为耻,反以为荣

taking pride in instead of feeling ashamed for something



Certain Japanese politicians' taking pride in instead of feeling ashamed for their erroneous deeds and words once again reveals their problematic sense of right and wrong.

8. 搬起石头砸自己的脚

The stone they are lifting will end up falling on their feet.



We hope Australian politicians will stop sensationalizing the so-called China threat and seeing China as the "imagined enemy", or else the stone they are lifting will end up falling on their feet.

9. 这本身就是对民主的嘲讽,是最大的不民主

Nothing could be further from true democracy than this travesty of democracy.



The US insists on depicting the multicolor world in black and white film and monopolizing the definition of democracy with its own standard in disregard of the huge differences in culture, history and civilization of different countries. It acts as the judge of democracy in its self-choreographed play. Nothing could be further from true democracy than this travesty of democracy.

这里可以学习一句习语:nothing could be further from the truth,字面翻译是没有什么比这件事离真相更遥远了,也就是说,事实远非如此,错得离谱。

10. 为“台独”势力搭台,只会让自己下不来台

Those offering platform to "Taiwan independence" forces will find themselves in an awkward place.



Those offering platform to "Taiwan independence" forces will find themselves in an awkward place. Those playing with fire with "Taiwan independence" forces will end up getting burned.

这里还可以学习一句“玩火者必自焚”的表达:Those playing with fire will get burnt。
