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我们是不是每碰到一个新单词就想把它记住呢?这既不明智,也没必要。因为英语和中文不一样,中文字数有限,一般人掌握六七千字就足够。而英语词汇量巨大,上海译文出版社的《英汉大词典》收录单词20万条。数量如此之大,我们必然要有所选择。英美大学毕业生掌握的单词平均在两万到五万之间。如何进行选择才比较恰当呢?我这么多年学英语、教英语,总结出来一个原则,即交际价值原则 (the principle of communicative value) 。这条原则是指根据英语单词对应的中文意思在交际中是否有价值来判断是否值得记忆。


All whales fall into two groups, those with teeth and those without. Both beluga and dolphin belong to the suborder of toothed whales known as Odontoceti, along with porpoises, narwhals, pilot whales, killer whales and the largest creature in the world, the sperm whale...

The toothless, or baleen, whales belong to the suborder of Mysticeti...

文章第一段提到了七种鲸的名称,beluga,dolphin,porpoise, narwhal, pilot whale, killer whale,sperm whale。除了dolphin(海豚)在日常生活中会提及以外,其余的都很少用到。这种专有名词就没有必要去记,可能一辈子都用不上一次。

一个词的交际价值可能会因人而异。这篇文章我教过上百遍,但除了dolphin以外,其余六种鲸的名字我都没有记住,原因是它们对我来说没有交际价值。我只需要知道与鲸对应的单词是whale就可以了。但是,如果是一个海洋生物学家看这篇文章,他就会用心去记所有的名字,包括那个亚目的名字 Odontoceti,因为这是他需要掌握的专业内容,写论文、做报告都要用到,对于他来说就有交际价值。

这一原则在英国孩子中间也得到了印证。请看以下报道 :

Britain is turning into a nation of "tabloid spellers"-spelling Jane Austen is a far bigger challenge for children than getting David Beckham's name right. A survey carried out by Oxford University Press in research for a new dictionary showed that only 32 percent of school-age children could spell Shakespeare correctly. Only eight percent managed Jane Austen-variations such as Jayne and Jade proved especially popular. But JK Rowling did at least win top marks for teaching the children of the world the joy of reading with her Harry Potter sagas. The young magician's school-Hogwarts-was spelt correctly by 85 percent of the kids polled. Vineeta Gupta, senior editor of Oxford's Children's Dictionaries, said: "We were surprised at how many children managed to spell even quite difficult words correctly if they had a connection with popular culture that caught their imagination." Nearly 15 percent, for example, could spell metatarsal, a word almost unheard of before David Beckham's pre-World Cup fitness problems.

英国正在变成一个"小报拼写者"的国度--对英国的孩子来说,简·奥斯汀的名字要比大卫·贝克汉姆难拼写得多。牛津大学出版社为编纂新词典进行了一项调查,发现只有32%的学龄儿童能正确拼写"莎士比亚"。能拼对"简·奥斯汀"的人更是只有8%--事实证明把Jane 错拼成Jayne或Jade 的人尤其多。起码在让世上的孩子了解阅读的乐趣这方面,罗琳和她的哈里·波特系列传奇做得非常不错。接受调查的孩子中有85%拼对了少年魔法师的学校名称--"霍格维茨"。牛津出版社负责编纂儿童词典的高级编辑维尼塔·古普塔说:"我们很吃惊,有那么多孩子能正确拼写一些甚至相当难的单词,只要这些词与左右他们想象的流行文化有关。"举例来说,将近15%的孩子能拼写 metatarsal(跖骨)一词,而在大卫·贝克汉姆于世界杯前夕发生伤病问题之前,几乎没人听说过这个单词。

