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You've researched the company, updated your CV and even stalked the CEO on Facebook - and now you just have to make it through the interview.

Increasingly, in order to scout out the top talent, businesses are now throwing curveball questions during the interview process. Asking about seemingly unrelated topics can help give a company a wider snapshot into the person and their life.

But whilst you may know what animal you'd be and how to sell a fridge to an eskimo, it's actually the more straightforward questions that can catch an applicant out - and they're the most vital.


FEMAIL called on business brains, recruiters and top career experts to reveal the interview questions every candidate should know the answer to by heart - and how to handle them if one is thrown your way.


What are you proud to have accomplished at your last job?

This question gives the interviewer the opportunity to learn your strengths. Simply saying: 'I increased social media engagement' isn't going to give your interviewer a sense of what you accomplished. Instead, tell them how you increased social media engagement for the company and why your help was valuable.

It's important to master the art of the humble brag to make a good impression. Feeling proud of your accomplishments is fine. Endlessly discussing your value to the last company you worked for gives the impression you are arrogant.

How would your previous manager describe you?

Why are you being asked? An interviewer will use this question to gauge how you see yourself in manager’s eyes, and to determine how well you get along with management.

Remember, if you’ve given (or plan to give) your previous manager as a reference, the interviewer can confirm your answer to this question, so it’s best to be as honest as possible. Talk about your attitude toward work, ability to work in a group and the positive aspects of your working relationship with your old manager. If you don’t get along with your old manager, try not to let this influence your response, and instead talk about your role within your previous team.
