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1 . P 154 Multifunctional Ground Attritor applies to mattess and epoxy putty grinding and ground cleaning and wax - polishing.

P154型 多功能 地面研磨机,可以用于混凝土地面的打磨,环氧腻子层打磨及地面清洗打腊等.

2 . The bed of old people adds thick mattress with hard mattess or hard bedplate had better.


3 . Conditional word, a Bao Jie can be added to fill up between mattess and sheet.

有条件的话, 可以在床垫和床单之间加一层保洁垫.

网络释义 -mattess

1 . 床垫

mattery 化脓的mattess床垫Matthew 马太

2 . 混凝土地面

bedside床旁adj.床旁的, 枕边的mattess床垫,混凝土地面bedstead床架

3 . 席梦思床垫

[总体] 船用词汇中英文对照汇总1 ... maker MAKER 制造商 mattessMATTESS 席梦思床垫 medical MEDICAL 药品室.

4 . 床垫的

original intent not hereat , fluctuation mattessthan common bedstead , prolonged the life of mattess.原来目的并不只于此,上下床垫较之普通床架,延长了床垫的寿命。

相关词条+hard mattess

1 . 硬床垫

the bed of old people adds thick mattress with hard mattess or hard bedplate had better .老年人的床以硬床垫或硬床板加厚褥子为好。

+let mattess

1 . 让床垫

do not let mattess had insolated long , lest make , bed face fades .切勿让床垫暴晒过久,以免使床面褪色。

+correct mattess

1 . 正确的床垫

correct mattess should be tactility softness , tall flexibility , curve of physiology of tenability human body and permeability is good .正确的床垫应该是触感柔软,高弹性,可维持人体生理曲线并且透气性好。

+on mattess

1 . 在床垫

lie on mattess to try when you when sleeping , good mattess can make your vertebral the spread that keeps natural is spent , as complete as your shoulder , waist , buttock joint , do not leave a bit gap .当您躺在床垫上试睡时,好床垫能使您的脊椎保持自然的伸展度,与您的肩、腰、臀完全贴合,不留丝毫空隙。

2 . 在床垫上

do not make mattess local get power overweight , avoid to stand for a long time or make a child bouncing on mattess , in order to shun local press press , cause metallic fatigue , influence bounce ;不要让床垫局部受力过重,避免长期站立或让小孩在床垫上跳跃,以避免局部受压,致使金属疲惫,影响弹力;
