英语频道小编Caroline整理了英语单词masterly的学习资料,关于masterly是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括masterly的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,masterly的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词masterly相关的信息。 masterly英[ˈmɑ:stəli]美[ˈmæstərli]adj.熟练的,技艺高超的网络精巧的;熟练地;巧妙地;技巧辉煌地 双语例句同反义词 1 . Attlee was extremely intelligent and his grasp of the situation was masterly . 阿特利聪明过人,对局势的把握颇为高明。 来自柯林斯例句 2 . His concealment of his true motives was masterly . 他隐瞒自己真实动机的手段十分高明。 来自柯林斯例句 3 . Malcolm Hebden gives a masterly performance. 马尔科姆·赫布登上演了一场精湛的表演。 来自柯林斯例句 4 . Her handling of the situation was masterly . 她对情势的处理非常巧妙。 来自《权威词典》 5 . He handled the subject in a masterly way. 他巧妙地论述了这个问题. 来自《简明英汉词典》 同义词adj.1.熟练的;灵巧的”释义下的同义词 proficient clever expert handy adept skillful行业释义网络释义 体育1.造诣很深 -masterly1 . 精巧的 mastering 控制masterly精巧的mastermind 策划 2 . 熟练地 m?Big und ruhig〔德〕中速而安静的。masterly〔英〕熟练地,巧妙地,技巧辉煌地。Mozurca〔德〕同Mazurka。 3 . 巧妙地 m?Big und ruhig〔德〕中速而安静的。masterly〔英〕熟练地,巧妙地,技巧辉煌地。Mozurca〔德〕同Mazurka。 4 . 技巧辉煌地 m?Big und ruhig〔德〕中速而安静的。masterly〔英〕熟练地,巧妙地,技巧辉煌地。Mozurca〔德〕同Mazurka。 相关词条+a masterly1 . 一次出色 The young man gave a masterly performance of the violin concerto ., 这位年轻人作了一次出色的小提琴协奏曲的表演. +masterly skill1 . 精湛的医术 to get curative effect , the surgeons should possess high responsibility and masterly skill , and highly regard multi-discipline cooperation and multimodality therapies .医师具有高度的责任心,精湛的医术,重视多学科协作及综合治疗,是喉癌功能保全手术取得良好效果的保证。 +masterly performance1 . 精湛的演技 Haley JOEL OSMENT has pulled off a portrayal of a haunted child in The Sixth Sense that should win him an Oscar nomination . and he turning in another masterly performance before my eyes .海利乔奥斯蒙卸下他在灵异第六感中给人的印象,那部让他获得奥斯卡提名的电影,并再次以精湛的演技呈现在我的面前。 +masterly fashion1 . 巧妙的方式 but Old Joe knew what he was doing and that was enough for them . he had conducted the retreat in masterly fashion , for they had lost few men and the Yankees killed and captured ran high .不过老约心中有数,有了这一点他们就满足了,他以巧妙的方式指挥了这次撤退,因此损失很少,而北方佬的伤亡和被俘人员却是相当多的。 |