英语频道小编Isabell整理了英语单词loganin的学习资料,关于loganin是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括loganin的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,loganin的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词loganin相关的信息。 loganin美['lɒɡənɪn]马钱子苷,马钱苷网络番木鳖甙;马钱苷;马钱素;马钱子甙 双语例句 1 . Conclusion The different process have obvious effects on the contents of Loganin in Fructus Corni. 结论不同的炮制方法对山茱萸中的马钱素含量有明显影响. 2 . Objective To compare the contents of Loganin in Fructus Corni by different processe. 目的比较山茱萸不同炮制品中马钱素含量. 网络释义 -loganin1 . 番木鳖甙 ...晒至半干,扎成束,再阴干,含白花败酱甙,villoside,莫罗忍冬甙,morroniside,番木鳖甙,loganin,等,性味性凉,味辛,苦,清热解毒,祛瘀排脓,用于阑尾炎,痢疾,肠炎,肝炎,眼结膜炎,产后瘀血腹痛. 2 . 马钱苷 Determination of Loganin of Qiju Dihuang Capsule by HPLCHPLC测定杞菊地黄胶囊中马钱苷的含量 3 . 马钱素 Determination of Loganin in Jiangtangqing Capsule by RP-HPLCRP-HPLC法测定降糖清胶囊中马钱素的含量 4 . 马钱子甙 ...变成红色,检查酚类, [2] 6化学成分川续断根含环烯醚萜糖甙,当药甙,swero-side,马钱子甙,loganin,茶茱萸甙,cantleyoside,三萜皂甙,木通皂甙D即3-O- α -L-吡喃阿拉伯. 相关词条+loganin in fructus corni1 . 山茱萸中 Dertermination the content of loganin in fructus corni by hplc高效液相色谱法测定山茱萸中马钱苷的含量 +loganin acid1 . 马钱子苷酸 objective To develop MEKC and MEEKC modes for the determination of gentiopicroside and loganin acid in extracts of Radix Gentianae .目的建立胶束电动毛细管色谱(MEKC)和微乳液毛细管电动色谱(MEEKC)分析龙胆药材中龙胆苦苷和马钱子苷酸含量的方法。 +of loganin in fructus corni by hplc1 . 高效液相色谱法测定山茱萸中 Dertermination the content of loganin in fructus corni by hplc高效液相色谱法测定山茱萸中马钱苷的含量 |