英语频道小编Arlene整理了英语单词knocker的学习资料,关于knocker是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括knocker的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,knocker的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词knocker相关的信息。 knocker英[ˈnɒkə(r)]美[ˈnɑ:kə(r)]n.门环;吹毛求疵的人网络门环;上门推销员;挑剔的人;冲击器 词形变化: 复数:knockers 双语例句词组习语同反义词 1 . I felt loath to sully the gleaming brass knocker by handling it. 我不愿意伸手去抓那闪亮的黄铜门环,怕把它弄脏。 来自柯林斯例句 2 . Number 30 has a red door and a brass knocker . 30号有一扇红门和一幅铜门环. 来自《简明英汉词典》 3 . The knocker is oblong in shape, and of the kind our ancestors called " jaquemart ". 铁锤是长方形的, 象 古时 的钟锤. 来自辞典例句 4 . His residence has amenities like a pull - bell and a door knocker . 他的住宅设施如拉 —— 有一门钟,海浪. 5 . The ringing of her neighbor knocker set her heart pounding. 邻家的门环一声响,那更使她心头突地一跳. 常用词典on the knocker informal 非正式 1 . (英)挨家挨户地盘查(收购,卖货) 同义词 censor英英释义行业释义网络释义常用俚语 noun1.(Yiddish) a big shot who knows it and acts that way; a boastful immoderate person 2.a person who knocks (as seeking to gain admittance); open the door and see who the knocker is who disparages or belittles the worth of something 4.either of two soft fleshy milk-secreting glandular organs on the chest of a woman 5.a device (usually metal and ornamental) attached by a hinge to a door 体育1.给防守队员做接球练习 -knocker1 . 门环 knocked down frame 可拆卸的门框knocker门环knot 结 2 . 上门推销员 上门服务 door-to-door service上门推销员 knocker商品步行街 shopping mall 3 . 挑剔的人 knob 按钮knocker挑剔的人knowability 可知性 4 . 冲击器 knockersub 震击器用冲击接头knocker冲击器knocking noise 敲击噪音 相关词条+car knocker1 . 列车检修工 2. 汽车组织car knocker 列车检修工car sickness 晕车 +wooden knocker1 . 木鱼 wooden jack plane 木壳粗刨wooden knocker 木鱼wooden ladder 木梯 +head knocker1 . 地区监督 head installation 首站设施head knocker 地区监督head lift 扬程 +coke knocker1 . 除焦机 1. 高炉焦炭水分计coke knocker 除焦机coke moisture meter 焦炭水分计 1.He didn't feel up to the knocker. 他感到身体不大舒服。 2.He was prepared up to the knocker. 他作了最充分的准备。 |