英语频道小编Amy整理了英语单词intrathecal的学习资料,关于intrathecal是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括intrathecal的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,intrathecal的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词intrathecal相关的信息。 intrathecal美[ˌɪntrə'θi:kl]adj.鞘内的,膜内的网络鞘内注射;鞘内;蛛网膜下腔;鞘膜 双语例句 1 . Conclusion Collagenase could prevent adhesion of intrathecal tendon without affecting tendon healing. 结论胶原酶有减轻肌腱鞘内粘连的作用,对肌腱的愈合无影响. 2 . To investigate the mechanism of collagenase in preventing adhesion of intrathecal tendon. 研究胶原酶预防肌腱鞘内粘连的作用. 3 . We report a case of vertebroplasty - induced intrathecal leakage of bone cement and review the literature. 我们报告经皮椎体成形术后造成鞘膜内骨泥渗漏的一个病例,并回顾相关文献. 4 . Objective : To observe the effect of intrathecal morphine injection on postoperative analgesia of cesarean section. 目的: 探讨微量吗啡鞘内注射对产妇的术后镇痛效果的影响及吗啡用于鞘内注射的最佳剂量. 5 . Objective: The materal - neonatal safety and materal stress response were evaluated during intrathecal anesthesia. 目的: 研究椎管内麻醉对剖宫产母婴安全和应激反应. 行业释义网络释义 医学1.鞘内的 -intrathecal1 . 鞘内注射 injection鞘内注射 intrathecalinjection 2 . 鞘内 the effect of intrathecalinjection with yohimbin on the analgesia of isoflurane ., 鞘内注射育亨宾对异氟烷镇痛作用的影响. 3 . 蛛网膜下腔 罗哌卡因复合小剂量舒芬太尼蛛网膜下腔注射应用于择期剖宫产术的临床研究_临床医学论文_免费论文下载中心关键词】 蛛网膜下腔; 舒芬太尼; 罗哌卡因; 剖宫产术 [gap=1906]Key words intrathecal; sufentanil; ropivacaine; cesarean section 4 . 鞘膜 医学词库 - 专业翻译切磋 - MiForum 医... ... nitroglycerin 硝酸甘油,甘油三酯 intrathecal鞘膜 peritoneal 腹膜. 相关词条+intrathecal injection1 . 椎管注射 intramuscular injection 肌内注射intrathecal injection 椎管注射intravenous infusion 静脉滴注 +intrathecal anesthesia1 . 椎管内麻醉 全文快照: 椎管内麻醉;定位困难椎管内麻醉(Intrathecal anesthesia)采用脊椎穿刺术,将局部麻醉药液注入人体腰背部脊柱椎管内,作用于脊神经根或脊神经,暂时地阻断脊神经向中枢及周围的传导,从而. +intrathecal block1 . 椎管内阻滞 区域阻滞(regional block) 神经阻滞(nerve block) 神经丛阻滞(nerve plexus block) 麻醉的分类(2)⒊椎管内阻滞(intrathecal block) 株网膜下腔阻滞(subarachnoid. +intrathecal chemotherapy1 . 鞘内化学治疗 intraluminal chemotherapy 腔内化学治疗intrathecal chemotherapy 鞘内化学治疗intrinsic factor 内源性因素 |