英语频道小编Deborah整理了英语单词hover的学习资料,关于hover是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括hover的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,hover的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词hover相关的信息。 hover英[ˈhɒvə(r)]美[ˈhʌvər]vi.盘旋;徘徊;犹豫n.徘徊;盘旋 网络盘旋;育雏器;悬停;垫升 词形变化: 过去式:hovered 过去式:hovered 过去式:hovering 过去式:hovers 派生词:hoverer 双语例句同反义词更多资料 1 . You don't hover over him. 你不要威胁他. 来自《简明英汉词典》 2 . You don't hover round the table. 你不要围着桌子走来走去. 来自《简明英汉词典》 3 . Seagulls hover over the surging waves. 海鸥在惊涛骇浪上翱翔. 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》 4 . Two hawks were hover ing overhead. 两只鹰在头顶盘旋. 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》 5 . Just as at the turn of the century, we hover between great hopes and great fears. 正如世纪之交时那样,我们再次在巨大的希望和忧虑之间彷徨不定。 来自柯林斯例句 同义词vi.1.徘徊;踌躇”释义下的同义词 pause hesitate waver falter 2.翱翔”释义下的同义词 sail flit drift float 语源late Middle English: from archaic hovehover, linger, of unknown origin英英释义行业释义网络释义vern1.be undecided about something; waver between conflicting positions or courses of action; He oscillates between accepting the new position and retirement 2.move to and fro; The shy student lingered in the corner 3.hang in the air; fly or be suspended above 4.be suspended in the air, as if in defiance of gravity; The guru claimed that he could levitate 5.hang over, as of something threatening, dark, or menacing; The terrible vision brooded over her all day long 体育1.悬停 2. 盘旋 -hover1 . 盘旋 ignite v. 使激动hoverv. 盘旋launch n. /vt. 投放市场 2 . 育雏器 hothouse fruit 温室果实hover育雏器hull 荚 3 . 悬停 ...单击(single-click)、双击(double-click)和三击(triple-click)】或悬停(hover)可以选择文件(file)、程序(program)或操作(action),当然也可以通过图标(icon. 4 . 垫升 ...hovel 茅舍;遮蔽物;栅;窑的圆锥形外壳hover垫升hoverbarge 气垫驳船 相关词条+underwater hovering1 . 水下悬浮 underwater habital 水下起居舱underwater hovering 水下悬浮underwater mooring device 水下系泊设施 +hover fly1 . 食蚜蝇 空中舞者—食蚜蝇(Hover fly) 1、基本资料食蚜蝇,双翅目,食蚜蝇科。成虫体小型到大型。体宽或纤细,体色单一暗色或常具黄、橙、灰白等鲜艳色彩癿斑纹. +hover ground1 . 松软地 housing 壳hover ground 松软地hubnerite 钨锰矿 2 . 松散地 housing hygiene 住宅卫生hover ground 松散地hue 色彩 +hover marine1 . 气垫船 hove train气垫火车hover marine气垫船hovercar气垫车 百科语法标注解释hover英音:['hʌvə]美音:['hʌvɚ] 不及物动词vi. 1. 锛埬竦蕊級盘旋;锛堉鄙苫級停留在空中 The helicopter hovered over the house. 直升飞机停留在那房子上空。 2. 徘徊;停留 The dogs hovered around me while I was fixing their dinner. 我给狗儿们弄吃的时候它们围着我转。 3. 犹豫,彷徨[(+between)] She is hovering between life and death. 她在生死之间徘徊。 |