地沟油的英文: n. 1.猪食,喂猪的泔水 2.粗茶淡饭,白开水 3.糟粕,无用的东西 4.[俚语]空洞无物的劣作;废话,胡说八道;虚伪的话[1400~1450,1900~1905] The government report about the murder was nothing but hogwash. n. 油;石油;油画作品 v. 给...供油;使涂满油;加燃油;融化 adj. 石油的;产油的 pecan oil (=hickory oil) The oil is carried to the oil refinery by pipelines. The traditional carding oil has been replaced by mineral oils v. 大口喝;冲洗;液体流动;喂泔水给猪 n. 泔水;脏水;冲洗;痛饮劣质酒 You feed them swill and such stuff? Give the pail a good swill. Muddy water swilled over the planks. |