在英语的学习中,定语从句应用十分广泛,也是高考必考内容之一,学习定语从句免不了要进行句法结构和语法成分的分析,而这往往是学生的薄弱环节,并且需要通过以后的练习来逐渐透彻掌握,今天就和小编一起来看一下多重定语从句的用法详解吧! 1.并列定语从句 定语从句中的先行词通常只有一个定语从句修饰,但有时在长难句中会出现两个或更多的定语从句并列修饰,这就是并列定语从句。 例如: The owner of the house9 (whose wife is dead),(whose son works in New York) and( who wants to go and live with him),is willing to sell the house at reduced price. Mr. Smith,(who is well versed in Latin and English) but(who doesn’t know Chinese), finds it difficult to study Chinese literature. This is the house(in which the great Peking opera singer lived) and( which you visited 10 years ago) and(which becomes a museum). 2.复合定语从句 例如: She had a book (which (she believed) was bought by her father at a dear price}. She has an adopted child {who (she says) was an orphan}. 3.递进性定语从句 She is the only girl(that I know)(who can play the guitar). The only person(that I know) ( who has a skeleton in the cupboard) is George,and he is very proud of the fact. Is there anything(else)(you'd like)(you don't see on the shelves)?