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the fact that…引导宾语从句用法详解


宾语从句是名词性从句的一种,在句子中起宾语作用,是从句中出现率最高难度最大的类型之一,宾语从句知识点杂乱,细节多,很容易让人疑惑,并且也有一些特殊的用法,小编这次就为大家带来the fact that引导的宾语从句的用法。

按英语习惯,介词后面通常不能直接跟一个that从句作宾语,遇此情况,一个高明的做法是,在that从句前使用the fact。这样一来,就变成了the fact用作介词的宾语,而其后的that从句则成了the fact的同位语从句。如:
They were worried over the fact that you were sick. 他们为你生病发愁。
I didn’t go out because of the fact that it was raining. 因为在下雨,所以我没出去。
Were it not for the fact that you helped me, I would be homeless. 若非你的帮助,我仍会无家可归。
He must face up to the fact that he is no longer young. 他必须勇于正视自己不再年轻这一事实。
It’s time you woke up to the fact that you’re not very popular. 你早就该明白你不怎么受欢迎了。
The judge paid a lot of attention to the fact that the child was unhappy at home. 法官非常注意这一情况,即孩子在家里并不快乐。
He said the parents were responsible for the fact that the child had run away. 他说孩子父母应对孩子逃跑一事负责。
The two books are the same except that this one has an answer key at the back. 除了这本书后面有问题答案以外, 这两本书完全一样。

英语中有的动词虽为及物动词,可接名词或代词作宾语,但通常不接that从句作宾语。若语义上需要接一个that从句,则可借助the fact结构。如:
I dislike the fact that he smokes. 我厌恶他吸烟。
No one can deny the fact that fire burns. 无人能否认火能燃烧的事实。
You can’t escape the fact that she has got married three times. 她结过三次婚,这个事实你是不能逃避的。
We must face the fact that we might lose our deposit. 我们必须正视我们可能失去存款这一事实。
I admired the fact that he would talk to students outside the classroom or talk with them on the telephone. 我羡慕他经常在课外与学生聊天或通过电话与学生聊天。

