
: 英语巴士网英语基础英语语法英语基础内容详情





1.How is it that……..(这几个句型都表示“怎么会…….?” “怎么发生的?”)

How come+从句?

How does / did sth. come about? ( How did it come about that…….?)

如:How come you are late again?

2.There seems / appears / happens to be / must be / can’t be / is (are, was, were) said to be / is (are, was, were) thought to be…….

表示 “.似乎有/碰巧有/一定有/不可能有/ 据说有/认为有……..”

介词(如of )there being

want /wish / expect there to be要/希望/期待有……..

adj. /adv. enough for there to be…….足够…….会有…….

注意:there being / there to be为there be的非谓语形式;It is said / thought that there is / are……=There is / was / are / were said (thought) to be……. 如:

Eg: I have never dream of there being such a good chance for me.

It won’t be cold enough for there to be a frost tonight.


Eg: Whodo you think he’ll have attend the meeting?

4.But for + n. / pron., sb. / sth. would (not) have done…..要不是…….,某人早就……(表示虚拟语气)=If it had not been for…..,……./If there had not been ……..

5.It won(’t) be long before +从句(从句中用一般现在时)不久/很久就要…….

It was (not) long before+从句(从句中用一般过去时)不久/很久才……..

6.Those who………….(从句及主句中谓语动词用复数形式).

Anyone who…………= Whoever………..(从句及主句中谓语动词用单数形式)

7…….主句(一般现在时或过去时)…...when从句….(might/ should do或might / should have done) 表示”对比”,意思为 “本该……(可)而却”,主句中为陈述语气,从句里为虚拟语气

Eg: Why are you here when you should be in school?你本该上学的怎么在这儿?

He stopped trying when he might have succeeded .本该已成功了他却停止努力了.

8.There is ./ Sb. have no doubt that………(同位语从句,that不可省略) 毫无疑问……

There is / Sb. have some doubt whether……..(同位语从句不可用if)不确定…是否…

Sb. doubt if / whether……. 某人怀疑是否……

Sb. don’t doubt that……… 某人不怀疑……

9.immediately / directly / instantly / the moment +从句

on / upon + n. / doing

No sooner had sb. done than …….(过去时)

Hardly had sb. done when……..(过去时)


10.every time / each time / the last time / the first time / next time +从句(名词性短语引导一个时间状语句)

anywhere / everywhere +从句(相当于wherever引导的地点状语从句)

Eg: You can go anywhere you like.

Next time you come, please bring your son along.

11.If only / I wish +从句(用过去类时态) 表示虚拟语气, “要是…….就好了” “但愿……就好了!”

12.Considering+ n. 或 pron. 或 that从句 / Seeing that……….考虑到/鉴于…….

Given + n. / pron作状语,表示 “在有……的情况下” “如果有” “假定”,有时也表示”考虑到”

Eg:Seeing (that) he refused to help us, there is no reason why we should help him now.

Given good health, I hope to finish the work this year.

Given their inexperience / that they are inexperienced, they’ve done a good job.

13.Therewas a time when…….曾经有那么一度………

14.other than与no, not, none等否定词连用,表示肯定意思,如:

Eg: It was none other than Mr. Smith.这正是Smith先生.

15.Not until…….did / do/ does / will sb. do……

It was / is not until ……that sb………

16.It’s(un) like sb. to do / to have done……做某事很像某人/ 做某事可不像某人

17.It remains to be seen Wh--words ……..是否…….还有待于看.(不用that, if作连接词)

18.It only remains for sb. to do……剩下的只是要某人做某事.

Eg: We’ve got everything ready. It only remains for you to come to dinner.

19.One moment……., and now………刚才一会儿还在做……而现在却……..

20.Notall / both / everyone………表示部分否定

21.Such is / are……..这(些)就是…….(谓语动词单复数由后面名词决定)

22.I’d rather (not) do / have done……我宁愿…..

I’d rather +从句(从句中用过去时或过去完成时)

23.It’s important / necessary / strange / surprising….+that……(用陈述语气或shoulddo)

24.I like / hate / appreciate it that / when等从句 (it表示后面从句的这种情况)

Eg: I appreciate it if you will give me a hand.

25.By the time +从句(一般现在时/过去时),主句(将来完成时/过去完成时)

26.……….,as is often the case with sb. / as is usual with sb.(as引导非限制性定语从句)

