
  • 在商务活动和交易中,最忌拖拖拉拉。虽然拖拉被某些人士认为是一种谈判的策略,但实际上,拖拉很可能会给交易方留下不好的印象,从而导致交易失败。by J ChenSo the advisory side of our firm has agreed to help a family we know sel...

  • 要大宗购买商品,总要先看看样品,检验一下是不是合乎自己的要求。下面是一个索要样品的对话范例,供大家参考。David calls Betty at H&T to request some samples. 大卫致电H&T公司的贝蒂,索取一些样品。David: I just receiv...

  • 你对商务礼仪了解多少?在国内做生意,本国的礼数大家一般都不会错;可是和老外做生意,我们就得多了解了解西方的商务礼仪了。Social and business etiquette can be tricky, and making the right moves can make a big diff...

  • 都说商务礼仪很重要,有时甚至可能关系到交易的成败。那商务礼仪到底是一种什么东西呢?下文将为您详细解释。by PaulaThe OpportunityBusiness etiquette is made up of significantly more important things than kn...

  • 纺织品是我国出口的大宗,让我们来了解一下外贸服装英语吧。Uneven width of topstitches at closure edge.前襟边面线宽度不均匀。Pls. add one more button for all sizes as the distance from hem is ...

  • 纺织品是我国出口的大宗,让我们来了解一下外贸服装英语吧。The out-come / appearance of the frills of sealing sample is not acceptable, it looks very flat / dead, must be more balan...

  • 和远道而来的客户谈完生意后,就该把客户送走了。中国人的习惯,送别晚宴是少不了的。怎样招待客户呢?看看下面的对话吧。A-送行人员 B-客户A: Mr. Green, which would you prefer, Maotai or Port?B: Maotai is too strong for m...

  • 和远道而来的客户谈完生意后,就该把客户送走了。怎样送别客户呢?看看下面的对话吧。A-客户 B-送行人员A: It’s very kind of you to see me off.B: It’s my pleasure. Why don’t you check i...

  • 和远道而来的客户谈完生意后,就该把客户送走了。怎样送别客户呢?看看下面的对话吧。A-客户 B-送行人员A: Ok, Mr. Wang. Thank you very much for coming to the airport to see us off. Your great country an...

  • 和远道而来的客户谈完生意后,就该把客户送走了。怎样送别客户呢?看看下面的对话吧。A-送行人员 B-客户 C-送行人员A: Now, it’s 8:30. We arrived just on time.B: Ok. I think I have to buy the departure ...

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