
  • 欧洲各央行本周已做好准备,将采取措施抑制货币和信贷市场的动荡局势。上周五,美联储(Fed)采取行动,以优惠条件直接向银行提供贷款,并暗示可能降息。European central banks are standing ready this week to stem the turmoil in mo...

  • 我觉得现在是时候分享一个秘密了。当我一周之前去度假时,我正在抵抗很深的咖啡瘾。我觉得现在我能够承认这件事了,因为在休假期间,我能够遵守突然戒除法、战胜咖啡瘾,然后清白地面对世界。I feel that it is time to share a secret. When I left on my h...

  • 作为中国最富有的女性之一,陈宁宁(Diana Chen)并不是人们印象中典型的钢铁大王。Diana Chen, one of China’s richest women, is not your typical iron industry baron. 陈宁宁今年36岁,是受过西方教育的...

  • 昨日公布的一项调查显示,尽管去年英国初创企业的融资额增长了27%,达到约14亿英镑,但中国仍取代英国,成为世界第二大风险投资目的国。China overtook the UK as the world's second-biggest destination for venture capi...

  • 小麦价格昨日跃升至历史新高,因为小麦供应十分紧俏,引起了人们对全球食品价格将大幅上涨的担忧,恐慌的买家纷纷涌入市场。Wheat prices jumped to an all-time high yesterday as panicked buyers rushed into the market ...

  • 沙特阿拉伯已开始新建一支逾35000人的特种安全部队,以保护其石油设施免受可能发生的袭击。Saudi Arabia has begun setting up a new 35,000-strong specialised security force to protect its oil facil...

  • 人们日益担心全球资本市场动荡对经济增长的潜在影响,引发了对全球利率前景的重大重估。Mounting fears about the potential impact on economic growth from the turbulence in global capital markets ar...

  • 昨天公布的一项调查显示,美国研究生院接收的外国学生数量连续第3年出现增长。The number of foreign students accepted by US graduate schools has risen for a third consecutive year, according ...

  • 在亚洲新兴经济体中,印度首次成为对美林(Merrill Lynch)收入贡献最大的国家,突显出该国对全球投资银行的重要性日益增加。India has for the first time become the biggest revenue contributor among Asia's ...

  • 你的感情是否容易受到伤害?你是否觉得在嘈杂的环境中难以进行交谈?你的母亲是否健在?你一般在头部哪一侧使用手机?Are your feelings easily hurt? Do you find it difficult to follow a conversation if there is ba...