2023-12-07Discussing the DetailI will be here at a quarter to eight.I will look out for you at three.Shall I come with you part of the way?Is there anything you...
2023-12-07Accepting InvitationI would love to.That is a great idea. what time shall we meet?Sure. I would love to come.Yes , that would be nice. Shall I meet yo...
2023-12-07Declining InvitationI am not quite sure whether I am free.I am not sure.It depends.Maybe. Maybe not.It looks as if I am not free tonight.I am not free...
2023-12-07Receiving GuestsWe are glad you could make it today.I am so pleased you cold come.We have been expecting you.Let me have your coat.You can leave your ...
2023-12-07GratitudeThank you for inviting to tea.Thank you for a most enjoyable evening.Before we say good –bye, I would like to thank you for all you hav...
2023-12-07When will the meeting be held?Where shall the meeting be held?Who will be invited to attend the meeting?Who will be the host of the meeting?The board ...
2023-12-07Shall we begin, ladies and gentlemen?I believe you've all had a chance to read the minutes of our last meeting.Shall we accept them as written?I m...
2023-12-07A:Good morning,Miss! Have you opened a new business of commission insurance in your bank?B:Yes.We have a new business called Bank-Insurance Link.It is...
2023-12-07A:Good morning,Xiao Wang!B:Good morning,Mr Brown!A:Will you please tell me what the charge agency service is?B:You may entrust us as an agent to pay t...
2023-12-07A:What can I do for you?B:I want to pay the electricity charge.This is the Charge Card.A:Well,sorry to say that you cannot pay it here for overdue.B:W...